Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1981 v27 No 3 Fall
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. VOLUME 27, NUMBER 3, JUNE, 1981 Emanuel D. Rudolph, Editor, Department of Botany, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 Editorial Board The Plant Science Bulletin is published six times a year, February, April, June, August, October, and December, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Subscriptions $10.00/yr. Change of address should be sent to Editor. Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH. TABLE OF CONTENTSSALUTE TO WORLD CONSERVATION STRATEGY SALUTE TO WORLD CONSERVATION STRATEGYThe rapid decrease in the natural vegetation of the world is of great concern to all botanists. The wasteful and flagrant violation of man's stewardship over forests, plains, marshes and estuaries has appalled generations of botanists, but the complexity of solutions to these problems (which necessarily includes political, legal and social components) has eluded us and has discouraged too many of us from actively working toward solutions. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and World Wildlife Natural Resources has prepared a detailed strategy of global dimensions for the United Nations Environmental program. This strategy provides for active participation of botanists in the making of decisions regarding future use of plant and other resources. Thirty countries (including the United States) have already pledged their support to this proposal, as have also the international monetary organizations. This program, entitled World Conservation Strategy, describes in terms understandable by laymen the patterns of loss of vegetation (especially tropical rainforest), of desertification, of degradation of the soil and physical system, and of the destruction of estuarine resources. It also describes the interaction between population, food supply, clearing of land for agriculture, natural resources and government policy (or non-policy). Most importantly, it describes a workable strategy for obtaining a rational world conservation on a site-by-site, country-by-country basis. This program calls strongly for more information and especially for more background research on the dynamics, capacities, production and recovery of ecosystems of all types. It urges that the best scientific information available be infused into policy making and into project-by-project decisions. Anticipating ecological effects calls for a high level of predictive skills of botanists in planning for rational use and allocation of sustainable natural resources. The lack of trained environmental scientists in many developing nations is noted as a cause of their lack of conservation measures. Links to government policy, to legal measures, to enforcement, and to budgetary considerations are made in extensive detail. The time to prepare is now. Botanists familiar with natural resources and agriculture will be called on increasingly to cross into the interdisciplinary region of planning, the use of resources and participation in making decisions affecting industrial and urban development. Predictive skills and a fundamental understanding of the total functioning of ecosystems and of their absorptive and recuperative capacities will be new knowledge demanded in the future. Students in the U.S. and elsewhere must be PAGE EIGHTEEN trained in these areas. " How to Save the World" (Allen, 1980) and "World Conservation Strategy" (Allen, 1980) are well worth including in teaching and research programs, as well as digesting for senior scientists. The Conservation Committee salutes the remarkable effort of the United Nations Environmental Program, the World Wildlife Fund, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature for their outstanding service to global conservation of botanical resources. Full cooperation of all botanists with this program is recommended. Anitra Thorhaug, Chairperson; John Beaman; David Dilcher; Robert Thorne; Rolf Benseler; Charles Uhl; and Andrew Greller; Conservation Committee, Botanical Society of America. NOTICESFirst Supplement of Gray Herbarium Index Issued in Book Form Evolution Today The Sessé and Mociño expedition, as it is commonly called, explored extensively in the Caribbean, Mexico, and northern Central America, with forays also to Baja and Alta California and as far north as Nootka and Alaska. The drawings were executed by a number of artists, the most accomplished of whom were Athanosio Echeverría y Godoy and Juan Vicente de la Cerda. In technical and artistic quality, Echeverría’s work compares favorably with any other in the history of biological illustration. Notwithstanding this artistic excellence, the chief value of the collection lies in its scientific and historical significance. The Institute plans to hold a symposium in approximately two years on the subject of the drawings, the expedition and related topics, concurrent with a major exhibition drawn from the collection. Biologists and historians interested in participating in the symposium, as speakers or registrants, are encouraged to make their interest known to Dr. Kiger at the Institute as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, in order to display a sampling of the collection's aesthetic richness at the earliest opportunity, the Institute will mount a selection of the drawings as its Fall 1981 exhibition, scheduled to open in October. Also as soar as possible, the entire collection will be photographed for archival purposes. Once this master set of studio-quality color transparencies has been made, the Institute will be able to provide prints or duplicate slides for the cost of their preparation, whether of the entire collection or of jus1 particular drawings. The Institute will be glad to provide information about individual drawings or particular subjects represented in them. Specialists in the systematics of relevant plant and animal taxa are especially encouraged to contact the Institute about PAGE NINETEEN wings that may pertain to their groups interest. Pest Control in Museums - A Status Report (1980) The Jodrell Index starts with references to work published after Solereder's Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons (1908). The index is in two parts. There is an index to plant families of angiosperms, plus Gnetales, Ginkgo, Coniferae, Cycadales, Pteridophyta, and a subject index. The latter which was begun more recently, is much less complete than the family index (but contains over 32,000 entries!). There are about 120 subject categories from 'Abscission' to 'Xerophytes' covering the period 1950-1972. The Jodrell Index is maintained by Miss Mary Gregory who continues to glean the literature received at the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens. Additions to the index covering recent years have been received. Plant morphologists and anatomists should note that the Jodrell Index remains unpublished. However, it can be consulted by writing to Miss Gregory, or consulting complete copies of the index at the Botany Library, Smithsonian Institution (Librarian, Mrs. Ruth Schallert), or at the Library of The New York Botanical Garden (Head Reference Librarian, Mrs. Lothian Lynas). The Department of Botany at the University of Wisconsin holds the subject index only. Due to the dates of coverage reaching back to early in this century, subject literature searches in this area of plant sciences would be considerably enhanced using the Jodrell Index as opposed to on-line data base searches alone. 1981 Greenman Award The Newsletter has performed a valuable service in presenting lists of workers in the family and a forum for discussion. Some research notes have been published, and note made of seed and other wants of workers in the Solanaceae. The Newsletter was begun in May 1974 and has continued through 6 numbers, the latest of December 1979. All interested in the Solanaceae or in the Newsletter are urgently requested to write me giving news of research and plans for work in the family. A new list of PAGE TWENTY workers in the family will need input from everyone who conducts or plans to conduct studies on these plants. Cost of the Newsletter now that it has a new home has not been set, but subscription price will be low, in the nature of a service charge. Write to: W. G. D'Arcy, Missouri Botanical Garden, Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166. MEETINGSWilliam Darlington Celebration Persons interested are invited to contact Dr. Robert E. Carlson, "William Darlington Bicentennial Observance," West Chester State College, West Chester, PA 19380. Conference of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History Meeting of Society for Economic Botany Eighth Mexican Congress of Botany American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting SYMPOSIUM ON FERTILIZATION AND EMBRYOGENESISThe Seventh International Symposium on Fertilization and Embryogenesis in Ovulated Plants will take place in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia on 14-17 June 1982 with full symposium field trips. For more information write: Arma Pretova, Institute of Experimental Biology and Ecology, Division of Structura1 Botany and Embryology, Dubravska Cesta 14 885 34, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIESWeed Scientist, University of British Columbia PAGE TWENTY-ONE One-Year Appointment Eastern Kentucky University Arborist for Montgomery County, Maryland New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, Research Associate DEATHSProfessor Cyril Dean Darlington, a Corresponding Member of the Botanical Society of America, and geneticist at the Botany School, Oxford University died on March 26, 1981. RECENT BOTANICAL BOOKSAjilvsgi, Geyata. Wi1d Flowers of the Big Thicket; East Texas, and Western Louisiana. Texas A & M University Press, Drawer C, College Station, TX 77843, 1979. 360 p., illus. ISBN 0-89096-064-X cloth; 0-98096-065-8 paper $17.50 cloth; $9.95 paper. (An introduction, to the vegetation and common flowers of an area of Texas with color photographs grouped by vegetation type.) Bisby, F. A., J. G. Vaughan, and C. A. Wright, eds. Chemosystematics: Principles and Practice. Academic Press, for the Systematics Association, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX, England, 1980. xii + 449 p., illus. ISBN 0.12.101550.5 $89.50 (The Systematics Association Special vol. No. 16). (About half of the papers presented at this symposium were about plants and the volume provides a fine summary of current ideas about taxonomic uses of various chemicals in organisms.) Bloom, Alan. Alpines for Your Garden. Floraprint, Chicago (order from International Scholarly Book Services, Inc. 2130 Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, OR 97116), 1981. 128 p., illus. ISBN 0-938804-01-4. $14.95. (Most of this book is taken up with descriptions of species suited for gardens, each with a good color photograph and cultural information.) Chaleff, R. S. Genetics of Higher Plants; Applications of Cell Culture. Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1981. xiii + 184 p. , illus. ISBN 0-531-22731-3. $42.50. (A volume in the Developmental and Cell Biology Series treating the current state of plant somatic cell genetics resulting from the rapid advances in tissue culture developments in the past ten years.) PAGE TWENTY-TWO Chandra, Shaila and K. R. Surange. Revision of the Indian Species of Glossopteris. Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow-226-007, India, 1979. (xiii) + 291 p., illus. $60.00. (A detailed monograph of the Indian species of this wide-spread Permian fossil leaf genus of Gondwanaland.) Clayton, Roderick K. Photosynthesis; Physical Mechanisms and Chemical Patterns. Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1981. xiv + 281 p., illus. ISBN 0-521-22300-8 cloth; 0-521-29443-6 paper. $32.50 cloth; $11.95 paper. (UPAB Biophysics Series) (An advanced textbook that provides an historical perspective as well as information about current research and problems.) Dilcher, David L. and Thomas N. Taylor, eds. Biostratigraphy of Fossil Plants; Successional andPaleoecological Analyses. Academic Press, (Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross) 111 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003, 1980. xii + 259 p., ill us. ISBN 0-87933,373-1. $27.50 (A many authored volume with emphasis on North America, but covering many places and geological times.) Downie, Mary Alice and Mary Hamilton. 'And some brought flowers'; Plants in a New World. Selected and Introduced, with illustrations by E. J. Revell. University of Toronto Press, 33 East Tupper St., Buffalo, NY 14203, 1980. xv + 164 p. ISBN 0-8020-2363-0. $24.95 (A selection of 70 plants, illustrated in delicate color and briefly described, with interesting quotations from early travelers in North America from the 17th through the 19th centuries about each, and short biographies of the writers.) Duncan, Wilbur H. and John T. Kartesz. Vascular Flora of Georgia; An Annotated Checklist. University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA 30602, 1981. xi + 147 p. , map. ISBN 0-8203-0538-3. $5.00 paper. (The 3,686 accepted names for taxa, species or lower, for Pteridophytes and Spermatophytes) of the state together with some synonyms and indications of province where they can be found.) Farr, M. L. How to Know the True Slime Molds. The Pictured Key Nature Series. William C. Brown Co., 2460 Kerper Blvd., Dubuque, IA 52001, 1981. viii + 132 p., illus. ISBN 0-697-04779-2. (No price given) paper. (An introduction for beginners that provides information about collecting and studying slime molds, most of which consists of illustrated keys for identifying orders, families and genera of each order; and species in each genus of the most common ones in the United States and Canada.) Frederick, Jerome F., ed. Origins and Evolution of Eukaryotic Intracellular Organelles. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 361. The New York Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd St., New York, NY 10021, 1981. x + 512 p. , illus. ISBN 0-89766-111-7 $99.00, cloth. (Many papers treat various aspects of organelle establishment, levels of partnership integration in symbiosis, and possible mechanisms of evolution.) Fryxell, Paul A. The Natural History of the Cotton Tribe (Malvaceae, Tribe Gossypieae). Texas A & M University Press, Drawer C, College Station, TX 77843, 1980. xviii + 245 p., illus. ISBN 0-89096-071-2. $16.75 (A work synthesizing much information about the systematics, morphology, evolution of, and human influences on a group of genera having some taxa of great economic importance.) Gould, Frank W. Common Texas Grasses; An Illustrated Guide. Texas A & M University Press, Drawer C. College Station, TX 77843, 1979. x + 267 p., illus. ISBN 0-89096-057-7 cloth; 0-89096-058-5 paper. $10.95 cloth; $6.95 paper. (A guide to the 150 most common grasses of Texas that includes their uses and containing keys and a glossary.) Joiner, Jasper N., ed. Foliage Plant Production. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, 1981. xix +614 p., illus. ISBN 0-13-322867-3 (no price given) (Chapters by different authors cover many aspects of foliage plant cultivation in this first general survey for student use.) Mora, Jaime and Rafael Palacios, eds. Glutamine: Metabolism, Enzymology, and Regulation. Academic Press, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003, 1980. xix + 334 p., ill us. ISBN 0-12-506040-8. $28.00 (The proceedings of a symposium held at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico in 1979 mostly relating to bacterial and fungal topics except for one paper on higher plants.) Morris, I., ed. The Physiological Ecology of Phytoplankton. University of California Press, 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley, CA 94720, PAGE TWENTY-THREE 1980. x + 625 p. , illus. ISBN 0-520-04308-1. (No price given.) (Studies in Ecology, Vol. 7). (The 15 chapters cover topics related to methodology, light and carbon fixation, nutrient and population dynamics.) Orr, Robert T. and Dorothy B. Orr. Mushrooms of Western North America. University of California Press, 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley, CA 94720, 1981. (California Natural History Guides: 42). vi + 293 p., illus. ISBN 0-520-03660-3 paper. $12.95 cloth; $6.95 paper. (Descriptions of over 300 species, 97 color illustrated and some others in black and white, for fleshy fungi west of the Rockies.) Schmidt, Majorie G. Growing California Native Plants. University of California Press, 2223 Fulton St., Berkeley, CA 94720. (California Natural History Guides: 45), 1980. ix + 366 p., ill us. ISBN 0-520-03761-8 cloth; 0-520-03762-6 paper. $15.95 cloth; $7.95 paper. (A practical guide to cultivating wild plants, 350 of which are treated in detail.) Stephens, H. A. Poisonous Plants of the Central United States. The Regents Press of Kansas, 303 Carruth-O'Leary, Lawrence, KS, 1980. xiii + 165 p., illus. ISBN 0-7006-0202-X cloth; 0-7006-0204-6 paper. $16.00 cloth, $9.95 paper. (A guide for the layperson to the common wild, cultivated and ornamental poisonous vascular plants.) Taylor, Thomas N. Paleobotany; an Introduction to Fossil Plant Biology. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, 1981. xiii + 589 p., illus. ISBN 0-07-062954-4. (An extensive and well illustrated textbook treating all groups of plants of all geological ages.) Vertrees, J. D. Japanese Maples; Momiji and Kaede. Timber Press. Forest Grove, Oregon (order from International Scholarly Book Services Inc., 2130 Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, OR 97116), 1978. xvi + Wa1she, Shan. Plants of Quetico and the Ontario Shield. University of Toronto Press, 33 East Tupper St., Buffalo, NY 14203, 1980. xxiii + 152 p., illus. ISBN 8020-3370-9 cloth; 8020-3371-7 paper. $25.00 cloth; $7.95 paper. (Clear color photographs of a selection of the 194 Quetico Park plants grouped under six habitats form a significant part of this book that provides a vascular plant checklist.) Welsh, James R. Fundamentals of Plant Genetics and Breeding. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08873, 1981. xiv + 290 p., i11us. ISBN 0-471-02862-2. $23.95 (An introductory text-book for students interested in breeding.) Zigmond, Maurice L. Kawaiisu Ethnobotany. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, 1981. (vi) + 102 p., pls. ISBN 0-87480-132-X $25.00 paper. (The detailed results of a study of many years concerning plant uses by a south-central Californian tribe.) BOOK REVIEWSR. SCHLECHTER'S WRITINGS ON ORCHIDS Someone with a morbid sense of humor once suggested that Rudolf Schlechter (1872- 1925), the great German orchidogist, died at a relatively young age because he worked too hard trying to describe all the orchids in the world. Indeed Schlechter was a prolific writer and his books and PAGE TWENTY-FOUR articles occupy an entire shelf in my library. In addition, he contributed to the German orchid publication, Orchis. Original copies of his books still exist but they are becoming increasingly rare due to wars, destruction and deterioration (I have some originals and can attest to the poor quality; they are almost falling apart). As a result, his books are in demand and Antiquariat Koeltz is reprinting them. Those listed here are slightly smaller than the originals, but only due to reduction of margins; print size remains the same. All are hard bound in red and produced well. For the most part these volumes consist of lists of species, many of which were new, according to Schlechter. Not all of these species were retained as valid by subsequent workers, but Schlechter's books remain classics and are still consulted by orchidologists. In fact, no serious orchid library is complete without them. That is why I consider the Koeltz reprint program to be an important and worthwhile undertaking. The volume on Panama offers an interesting sidelight on the price of books. At the time of publication it sold for 8 Goldmark and 2400% Impost. This was then equal $2.00 (which today are worth about DM 3.50). In 1963 I paid $2.10 (including postage) for a copy of the original (approximately DM 8.00 at the time) or 2.1 cents per page. The price of the reprint (2 volumes in one) is DM 135 (approximately $77 or 19.2 cents/page). This is not to suggest that the prices are unreasonable but it points to inflation and the deterioration of the dollar. Another interesting aside is that Schlechter often named his books in honor of scientists, friends, collectors or correspondents. The one on Panama is named after a Mr. C.W. Powell whereas part of the volume on Costa Rica commemorates Dona Amparo de Zeledon who paid for collecting the plants. An engineer, Werner Hopp is remembered in the volume on Colombia. The book on Madagascar is based on a collection by Perrier de la Bathie who wrote his one work on the orchids of that island and commemorates him (the Kraenzlin's monograph is also smaller than the original (which seems to have been printed on better paper than Schlechter's volumes), but again the reason is reduced margins. It is dedicated to F.C. Lehmann, German counsul in Popayan, Colombia, who contributed to The Genus Masdvalia, by F.H. Wool ward (1896), one of the most magnificent colored-plate orchid books ever published (also reprinted recently). Kraenzlin's book has no illustrations, but is nevertheless valuable due to its historical perspective. These books are not inexpensive, but they are certainly worth having or at least adding to university libraries. Joseph Arditti, Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717 J.W. DEACON. Introduction to Modern Mycology. Vol. 7 in the Basic Microbiology Series. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1980. 197 pp., illust. $18.95. The topics chosen by the author for this paperback text include various aspects of physiology, nutrition, development, as well as how fungi impact on man: disease, decomposition, antibiotics. The book is well illustrated including a few electron micrographs. One section contains a brief list of references and there is an index. The paper is very high quality. The author of this introductory text has designed it for the undergraduate microbiologist, botanist, and biologist in general. It is, indeed, elementary and would' not be suitable for a course in mycology. It suffers the usual paperback inadequacy: briefness. And yet this brevity may be desirable for the student and instructor where mycology is part of a larger course. The book may also appeal to the beginning student of the fungi as it offers a succinct, up-to-date summary of various aspects of mycology. Dean T. Klein, Biology Department, St. Michael's College, Winooski, Vermont 05404 READERS' MAZE - AN APOLOGYYou surely noticed that the last issue (Vol. 27 #2) of P.S.B. had the inner pages out of order because they were stapled incorrectly by the printer. We both are sorry about this error and hope that our alert readers were able to solve the puzzle thus presented without |