Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1984 v30 No 4 Winter
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. August, 1984, Volume 30 No. 4 Emanuel D. Rudolph, Editor Editorial Board The Plant Science Bulletin is published six times a year, February, April, June, August, October and December, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Subscriptions $15.00/yr. Change of address should be sent to Editor. Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH. THE GOOD SPRUCE MOUNTby Having been commissioned to set up two herbariums for the City of St. Cloud, Minnesota, I found myself returning to my plant taxonomy professor to learn if he might have any insight into solving my dilemma--the needles always fell off my mounted spruce specimens. "I have never seen a good spruce mount," was his reply. I returned several months later catching his attention by flipping a mount toward him saying, "Dr. Lindstrom, here's a good spruce mount." His face expressed shock as it flew in his direction, hit the desk, then fell on the floor specimen down. He picked it up and every needle was intact. Here is how it is done. The materials required are: newspaper (lots of it); 1" x 12" x 16" foam rubber (available at many fabric stores); a 12" x 16" board; a heavy weight (I used a Webster's Unabridged Dictionary); a large cake pan (large enough to hold specimens); a wire rack to cover cake pan; mounting cement (I use polyvinyl acetate); and weights to hold specimen flat while drying. Instructions. Do not dry/press specimen with heat; instead do the following. 1. Place specimen between several thicknesses of folded newspaper, then set on a hard, flat surface. 2. Place the foam rubber on top of the newspaper, covering it with the board, and setting the weight upon the board. If more than one specimen is to be processed at the same time, a separate board should be used for each specimen. If the weight is not heavy enough to smash the foam rubber, then push down on the weight until it does so smash; this often tears the newspaper but forces the needles to lie flat. 3. Depending upon conditions, one to ten days may elapse before the specimen will lie flat and hold a prostrate shape. If mounting Tsuga (hemlock), about two days is a maximum drying time. If a specimen dries too long, needles fall off during later steps. 4. Place the flattened specimen into the cake pan and pour mounting cement to completely cover the specimen. 5. Remove specimen immediately and place on wire rack allowing excess cement to drip back into pan. Dripping time is less than crucial in high humidity conditions but should be held to a minimum during low humidity. 6. Remove specimen from rack, place it within several thicknesses of folded newspaper, and squeegee off excess glue by pressing with the fingers and palms of the hands through the newspaper. Work fast! Repeat this as often as necessary. Do not invert the specimen; the down-side during drying should remain the down-side during this step and should be the downside for mounting. Inverting the specimen breaks the needles. 7. Cease squeegeeing when the glue becomes tacky enough so that specimen starts to adhere to the newspaper. Then place the specimen on mounting paper and continue squeegeeing, working faster than before, with newspaper from the top-side, pressing the needles onto the mounting paper while removing excess glue. If work proceeds too slowly, the finished specimen will exhibit unsightly crusts of dried cement. 8. Place weights on all parts of the specimen. 25 This step is crucial because the needles tend to lose their prostrate rigidity while the cement dries. 9. Watch carefully. Usually within minutes, the cement becomes very tacky and, with the needles firmly fixed, it is time to remove the weights. Roll the weights off in the direction of the tips of the needles. If the weights are left in place too long, the beads of cement that tend to accumulate under them will not disperse, detracting from the overall dried appearance. 10. Remove very noticeable beads of cement with a pen knife and allow the specimen to dry completely. No serious botanist would abuse any specimens, but these can be walked upon without fear of major damage. Because the cement coats the entire specimen with a film, the luster of the fresh specimen remains. This process is being used for all members of the Pinaceae with equal success. One exception is Pinus strobus because the cement fuses the needles together so that it resembles Pinus resinosa and heavy drenchings of spray lacquer were used with this species instead to achieve a similar effect. This process takes a bit more time, and special handling, but the finished product makes the extra effort very worthwhile. NOTICESTropical South American Plant ProjectAs tropical forests are destroyed, count-less plant species face certain extinction. Many of these species are unknown to science; their potential benefits therefore remain unknown and unrealized. One particularly cost-effective method of identifying potentially useful tropical plant species is the science of ethnobotany, the study of the use of plants by aboriginal peoples who have an intimate knowledge of these forests and the useful products that they contain. By studying the ethnobotanical lore of these people, we can find new and useful plant species, while generating important economic data for emphasizing the importance of tropical forest conservation. In recognition of the importance of ethnobotany as a means of demonstrating the inherent value of tropical plant diversity, WWF - U.S. initiated a project entitled "Conservation and Ethnobotany in Tropical South America" in September of 1981. One of the major components of this study has been the development of a standardized format for organizing the wealth of available data on useful plants of lowland South America. To date, a catalogue of over 1000 useful species has been compiled, including data on Latin and vernacular names, distribution, aboriginal use, culture and cultivation, and chemical composition. It is increasingly clear that the magnitude of the information available requires the collaboration of the scientific community to organize the data in a meaningful way. At a meeting of the Ethnobotany Project Advisory Group (Dr. T. Lovejoy, World Wild-life Fund -- U.S., Chairman; Dr. H. Eshbaugh, Miami University of Ohio; Dr. R. A. Mittermeier, World Wildlife Fund -- U.S.: Dr. T. Plowman, Field Museum of Natural History; and Dr. G. T. Prance, New York Botanical Garden) in February of 1984, it was decided to publish a standardized format which has been developed and invite other researchers to adapt their data to this format which would then be computerized at the Species Conservation Monitoring Unit in Cambridge, England. To request copies of this form, please write: Mark J. Plotkin, Harvard Botanical Museum, Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Dinoflagellates TreatiseA complete up-to-date treatise on Dino-flagellates will be available from Academic Press late 1984. Edited by David L. Spector the book addresses the following topics: Cell Biology (cell cortex, nuclear structure, cell cycle and mitosis, sexual reproduction, cysts, and unusual inclusion), Biochemistry (physiology and biochemistry, blooms and toxins, and biorhythms), Genetics, Taxonomy, Culturing and Evolution. AIBS Supports National Biological SurveyThe Public Responsibilities Committee of the American Institute of Biological Sciences supports the proposal for a Biological Survey of the United States (BISUS). AIBS suggests that a national survey be a long-term effort spread over several years. It should support the recruiting of new scientists, as well as updating the knowledge and skills of more experienced scientists in the field of systematic biology, as long as such activities fall within the scope of the survey. Initiation of a survey would require the collaboration of scientific organizations and federal and state government agencies to develop a plan or model for the conduct of the survey that would include identification of the kind and extent of effort required, the roles of various participants and where an archive or number of archives should be located and how they would be maintained. In order to pre-vent duplication of effort, collaboration is also needed to identify activities currently conducted throughout the government and elsewhere that are of value to the survey. A Biological Survey of the United States that would identify and collect information on the characteristics of the plants and animals of the U.S., conduct taxonomic research on the information collected, retain germ plasms and other substances in systematic collections and produce catalogs, maps, and 26 other printed materials from the information collected is urgently needed. The final products of such a survey would be of significant value to the research and educational activities of all biological scientists and provide a repository of information and specimens that could be used to enhance the quality of all life. BIOSIS to Increase CoverageAfter careful deliberation, the board has approved the largest percentage increase in BIOSIS coverage in the last decade and the largest net increase in the history of the organization. In 1985, BIOSIS will include 440,000 items, a 22% increase in coverage. This advance is in recognition of the in-creasing volume of publications in the life sciences and our perceived responsibility to make BIOSIS the world's most comprehensive source of research information in this field. New York Rare and Endangered PlantsA new color poster illustrating many of the rare and endangered plants of New York State is available. Also, the volume on Rare Plants of New York State by R. S. Mitchell and C. J. Sheviak has been reprinted. These are available from: (poster) Museum Operations, New York State Museum, Room 10D59, Albany, NY 12230 for $6 each or $26 for 10 postpaid; (book) State Science Service - Publication Sales, 3rd Floor, Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 for $8 in paperback and $12 in hardback postpaid. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES(All positions are by affirmative action/ equal opportunity employers.) Cell/Molecular Botanist at Rhode IslandTenure track position at the Assistant Professor level to teach introductory and advanced level courses, to develop a graduate program in cell and molecular botany, and to establish a strong research program attractive to external funding. Ph.D. required, postdoctoral experience preferred. Submit vita, reprints, and three letters of recommendation by 30 September 1984 to: Richard L. Hauke, Botany Department, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881-0812. Physiologist at VermontThe Botany Department at the University of Vermont will have a non-tenure track position of Research Assistant or Associate Professor available in September, 1984. Candidates must have the Ph.D. degree in plant or tree physiology or a subdiscipline of botany applicable to maple research; must have demonstrated a successful pattern of funding in order to sustain the position; and must have had experience and ability to deal with peo- ple and coordinate activities. The successful candidate will maintain and support on-going basic and applied sugar maple research in areas of physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, and maple sap and syrup production, and will coordinate an extension education effort. The facilities consist of an on-campus laboratory and a field station. Send curriculum vitae and have transcripts and three letters of recommendation sent to: Dr. Hubert W. Vogelmann, Chairman, Botany Department, Marsh Life Science Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05450. Applications will be accepted until September 15, 1984 or extended until the position is filled. Geneticist at New BrunswickThe Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton campus requires a geneticist with expertise in botany or plant science with a main responsibility to teach genetics and to carry out a vigorous research program. The candidate must have a Ph.D. degree and proven ability in research and teaching. Assistant Professor, 2-year term appointment possibly leading to tenure track position. Minimum starting salary $26,243. Apply, giving full c.v., a letter indicating the nature of a proposed research program and names of three academic referees to: Dr. M. D. B. Burt, Chairman, Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Bag Service 45111, Fredericton, N.B., E38 6E1, Canada. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Postdoctoral Fellowship at Wisconsin A postdoctoral position is available September 1, 1984 to study enzymes and metabolites of carbohydrate oxidation during leaf development. Biochemical determinations are made by a quantitative histochemical method (Lowry-Passonneau) in samples from the apical meristem, four leaves of different develop-mental stages (the first, second, sixth and ninth leaves), and tissues (epidermis, mesophyll, xylem, and phloem) of the intermediate stage leaf. Experience in enzymes assays is desirable, but not essential. An appreciation or knowledge of structural aspects of plant development is required. Starting salary is $16,000 plus fringe benefits. Send resume, reprints or manuscripts, and names, addresses, telephone number of three referees to: Dr. Judith Croxdale, Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Ecologist at U.C. DavisThe Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California has a 75% 27 research, 25% teaching position for an Assistant Professor and Assistant Ecologist at the Experiment Station. A plant community ecologist with interests in grasslands is sought. Teaching is to include an undergraduate range taxonomy course and a graduate plant community ecology course. The position is to be filled by September 1, 1985 by a Ph.D. Applicants should send a statement of research interests and a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, transcripts, and names and addresses of three referees by November 1, 1984 to: D. A. Phillips, Search Committee Chairman, Department of Agronomy and Range Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, (916)752-1891. Weed Scientist at Washington StateA position, 50% extension, 50% research, is available for an Assistant or Associate Weed Scientist at the Northwest Washington Research and Extension Unit, Mount Vernon, Washington. A Ph.D. in weed science or related discipline is necessary. Applicants should send formal application, curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts, and names of five professional evaluators by October 1, 1984 to: Dr. J. C. Engibous, Department of Agronomy and Soils, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6420. PERSONSDr. Clara G. Weishaupt was presented with a University Distinguished Service Award at the 1984 spring commencement of The Ohio State University. She was recognized for her contributions to the people of Ohio by her floristic publications, and to the University and its students by her many years of excel-lent teaching and curating of the herbarium. DEATHSFlora Murray Scott, Professor Emeritus of Botany, University of California, Los Angel-es, born September 6, 1891, died on March 24, 1984. Charles E. Miller, Professor of Botany at Ohio University, Athens, died on July 15, 1984. He was a specialist on the biology of aquatic phycomycetes. MEETINGS AND COURSESClassification SymposiumAn International Symposium on Infraspecific Classification of Wild and Cultivated Plants will be held at Oxford, England on September 26, 1984. For information contact: B. T. Styles, Dept. of Forestry, Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Rd., Oxford, OX1 3RB, England. Population Biology ConferenceThe Fifth Midwest Conference on Population Biology will be held October 27-28, 1984 at Purdue University. For information contact: Morris Levy, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Lilly Hall of Life Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, In 49907, (317) 494-8134. Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary BiologyThe Third International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology will be held on 4-10 July 1985 at the University of Sus-sex, near Brighton, England. The following Congress Symposia are being organized: Symbiosis in Evolution; Conservation of Tropical Ecosystems; Biogeographic Evolution of the Malay Archipelago; Adaptational Aspects of Physiological Processes; Co-evolution in Ecosystems and the Red Queen Hypothesis; Angiosperm Origins and the Biological Con-sequences; The Measurement of Rates of Evolution; Molecular Biology and Evolutionary Theory; Co-Evolution and Systematics; Molecules vs. Morphology in Phylogency: Conflict or Compromise?' Random and Directed Events in Evolution; Biochemical Innovation in Microbial Communities. There will also be Special Interest Symposia on other topics, as well as sessions for contributed papers, films and poster papers. For further information write to: Professor Barry Cox, ICSEB Congress Office, 130 Queen's Road, Brighton, Sussex, ON1 3WE, UK. Marine Mycology SymposiumThe Fourth International Marine Mycology Symposium will be held 11-17 August 1985 in Portsmouth, England. The second circular will be available November, 1984 from: Prof. E. B. Gareth Jones, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Portsmouth Polytechnic, King Henry 1 St., Portsmouth, Hants, P01 2DY, England. Botanical Systematics SymposiumThe Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden will sponsor and host a symposium on Trends in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany May 25-26, 1985, at the Garden in Claremont, California. The purpose is to examine current trends and, if possible, suggest needs for and identify promising trends in systematic and evolutionary botany in the coming decade. Invited papers will be presented on pollination biology (H. Baker), chemical systematics (T. Swain), morphology (J. Skvarla), cladistics (M. Donoghue), physiological ecology (P. Rundel), aspects of modern floristics and traditional systematics (G. Prance), and 28 research in botanical gardens (P H. Raven). Low-cost housing will be available at nearby Pomona College. Attendance will be limited. For further information write: Systematics Symposium, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711. This will be the first of an annual series of symposia planned at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden and is intended to provide a forum primarily for botanists in the south-western United States and adjacent regions of Mexico. RECENT BOTANICAL BOOKSAllen, D. J. The Pathology of Tropical Food Legumes; Disease Resistance in Crop Improvement. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1983. xv + 413 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-10232-6. $64.95. (The first comprehensive review of the subject which emphasizes the most important legume crops of the tropics: peanuts, soybeans, beans, cowpeas, pigeon peas and chickpeas.) Arditti, Joseph, ed. Orchid Biology, Reviews and Perspectives, III. Cornell University Press, 124 Roberts Place, Ithaca, NY 14850, 1984. 432 p., illus. ISBN 0-8014-1040-1. $49.50. (This volume contains an interesting personal account of an amateur, Rebecca Tyson Northen, and chapters by others on ethnobotany, symbiosis, physiology, phytochemistry, and systematics as well as an appendix on orchid chromosomes with a catalogue of their reported numbers.) Barber, Stanley A. Soil Nutrient Bioavailability; a Mechanistic Approach. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1984. xv + 398 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-09032-8. $39.95. (A book that examines mechanisms determining availability of nutrients to plants and provides a model for understanding it with a consideration of: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc.) Coulson, Robert N. and John A. Witter. Forest Entomology; Ecology and Management. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1984. xi + 669 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-02573-9. $37.50. (A book on the insects that are found in forest settings and approaches to their management.) Cronquist, Arthur, Arthur H. Holmgren, Noel H. Holmgren, James L. Reveal and Patricia K. Holmgren. Intermountain Flora; Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 4, Subclass Asteridae (except Asteraceae. New York Botanical Garden, Scienti- fic Publications Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1984. 573 p., illus. ISBN 0-89327-248-5. $77.50 U.S. orders; $79.00 non-U.S. orders. (The third volume, after volumes 1 and 6, to be published in this essential, comprehensive flora covers a number of orders: Gentronales, Solanales, Lamroles, Callitrichales, Planagenales, Scrophulariales, Campanulales, Rubiales, and Dipsacales, and contains a synoptical key to them as well or keys to genera and species.) Dickinson, C. H. and J. A. Lucas. Plant Pathology and Plant Pathogens. 2nd ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., The Downing House, 706 Cowper St., Palo Alto, CA 94301, 1982. viii + 229 p., illus. ISBN 0-632-00918-7. $19.75 paper. (After 5 years, this revision continues to aim at providing an introduction for the student that is balanced and concise; however, it amplifies the bacterial and viral pathogens.) Dirzo, Rodolfo and Jose Sarukham, eds. Perspectives on Plant Population Ecology. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, MA 01375, 1984. xviii + 478 p., illus. ISBN 0-87893-143-0. paperback, no price given. (Papers resulting from a conference were organized into four sections: new and contrasting approaches to the study of plant populations; the interface between ecology and genetics; plants as integrated ecophysiological units; and agronomic implications of plant demography; preceded by two short introductory chapters by John Harper and the editors.) Drlica, Karl. Understanding DNA and Gene Cloning; A Guide for the Curious. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1984. xiv + 205 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-87942-8. $11.95 paper. (A clearly illustrated introduction, without requiring a chemistry background, of the science of molecular biology and its methods.) Evans, David A., William R. Sharp, Philip V. Ammirato, and Yasuyuki Yamada, eds. Handbook of Plant Cell Culture, Vol. 1, Techniques for Propagation and Breeding. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 866 Thid Ave., New York, NY 10022, 1983. xiv + 970 p., illus. ISBN 0-02-949230-0. $49.50. (From the first introductory essay by F. C. Steward through others on the state of the art in basic techniques in plant tissue culture, specialized cell and tissue culture techniques and certain biochemical techniques, to applications related to cell and tissue culture techniques, this comprehensive work of 34 review articles authored by specialists in the fields will be of interest to a large audience; this is the first of a multivolume series intended to 29 provide theoretical background and a practical guide to a rapidly expanding field.) Gensel, Patricia G. and Henry N. Andrews. Plant Life in the Devonian. Praeger, 521 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10175, 1984. xiii + 381 p., illus. ISBN 0-03-062002-3. $29.95. (An account for teachers of botany, geology and paleontology of the earliest land plants that attempts to place into context the available information about them.) Hector, Gilbert and Ulrich Hirsch. Introduction to the Geometry of Foliations, Part B Foliations of Codimension One. Heyden & Sons, Inc., 247 South 41st Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 1983. x + 298 p. ISBN 3-528-08568-1. $22.00 paper. (The aspects of mathematics that are applicable to analyses of some types of leaf arrangement.) Jean, Roger V. Mathematical Approach to Pat-tern and Form in Plant Growth. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Someset, NJ 08873, 1984. xxv + 222 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-88357-3. $39.95. (An English edition, slightly modified, of Phytomathematique, 1978, that deals with mathematical problems raised by plant growth, particularly the phenomenon of phyllotaxis.) Jurnak, Frances A. and Alexander McPherson, eds. Biological Macromolecules and Assemblies. Vol. 1: Virus Structures. John Wiley and Sons,--1 Wiley Dr., Someset , NJ 08873, 1984. ix + 397 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-87077-3 (v.1). $69.95. (A multiauthored work that describes the structures of viruses based upon the impressive achievements of macromolecular analysis by X-ray diffraction methods.) Meyer, Bernard S., ed. Botany at The Ohio State University: The First_ 100 Years. Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey 6(2). The Ohio Biological Survey, 484 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210, 1983. vi + 177 p., illus. ISBN 0-86727-096-9. $12.00 paper. (A detailed chronicle of botany and botanists at a major Midwestern university from 1872 to 1972.) Plumb, R. . and J. M. Thresh, eds. Plant Virus Epidemiology, the Spread and Control of Insect-Borne Viruses. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., 706 Cowper St., Palo Alto, CA 94301, 1983. ix + 377 p., illus. ISBN 0-632-01028-2. $48.00. (This volume resulting from a conference arranged by the Federation of British Plant Pathologists and the Association of Applied Biologists is specifically concerned with insect-borne viruses and their vectors; however, it should be of interest to those interested in general viral or epidemiological principles.) Podolsky, Alexander S. New Phenology; Elements of Mathematical Forecasting in Ecology. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Someset, NJ 08873, 1984. xv + 504 p. ISBN 0-471-86451-X. $64.95. (A work that presents experimental-mathematical methodology for precise phenological forecasting and bioclimatic estimations of particular interest to ecologists and phytopathologists.) Roberts, Daniel A. and Carl W. Boothroyd. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology. 2nd ed. W. H. Freeman and Co., 41 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1984. xvi + 432 p., illus. ISBN 0-7167-1505-8. $29.95. (A revision of a text after 12 years that emphasizes the diseased plant and is divided into two sections: disease in plants, or general principles; and diseases of plants, or specific examples.) Roberts, H. A., ed. Weed Control Handbook: Principles. 7th ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications, The Downing House, 706 Cowper St., Palo Alto, CA 94301, 1982 xvi + 533 p., illus. ISBN 0-632-01018-5. $50.00. (A handbook of the British Crop Protection Council that provides basic information about weeds and herbicides and the principles governing weed control.) Rost, Thomas L., Michael G. Barbour, Robert M. Thornton, T. Elliot Weir, and C. Ralph Stocking. Botany; a Brief Introduction to Plant Biology. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Someset, NJ 08873, 1984. xiii + 3432 + 57 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-87454-X. $26.95. (A second edition of a text that attempts to be compact yet balanced in covering all aspects of botany and which adds more material on genetics and evolution.) Scott, Jane. Botany in the Field; An Introduction to Plant Communities for the Amateur Naturalist. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, 1984. viii + 165 p., illus. ISBN 0-13-080300-6; 0-13-080292-1 paper. $16.95; $8.95 paper. (A well written introduction to how to observe plants as parts of communities that is best for the eastern states.) Siry, Joseph V. Marshes of the Ocean Shore; Development of an Ecological thic. TexasA&M University Press, Drawer C, College Sation, TX 77843, 1984. xiii + 216 p., illus. ISBN 0-89096-150-6. $22.50. (A volume in the Environmental History Series that considers the origins and development of ecological concerns, both scientific and public, for the coastal wetlands.) 30 Spichiger, R. and J.-M. Mascherpa. Flora del Paraguay. Serie especial no. 1. Guia para los Autores; (regular series) Annonoceae. Missouri Botanical Garden, Department Eleven, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Mo 63166-0299, 1983. 50 p.; 45 p., illus. ISBN 0-915279-00-2 and 0-915279-01-0. $5.00 ea. paper. (A joint publication of the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de Geneve and the Missouri Botanical Garden that is the first part of a many-parted major flora.) Staples, Richard C. and Gary H. Toenniessen, eds. Salinity Tolerance in Plants; Strategies for Crop Improvement. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1984. xvii + 443 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-89674-8. $49.95. (Papers resulting from an inter-national conference are presented in this book emphasizing physiological and biochemical mechanisms of plants that allow them to tolerate high saline conditions and what methods can be used to produce tolerant crop varieties.) Sutton, S. L., T. C. Whitmore, and A. C. Chadwick, eds. Tropical Rain Forest; Ecology and Management. Blackwell Scientific Publications, The Downing House, 706 Coper St., Palo Alto, CA 94301, 1984. xiii + 498 p., illus. ISBN 0-632-01142-4. $57.00. (A special publication number 2 of the British Ecological Society that contains papers presented at its Tropical Group in 1982 addressing aspects of community structure and diversity, plant-animal interactions, decomposition and nutrient cycling, and resource management.) Wenger, Karl F., ed. Forestry Handbook. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1984. xxi + 1335 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-06227-8. $49.95. (This encyclopedic reference work, revised after 30 years, has been completely reorganized and rewritten, for the Society of American Foresters, by many workers to include information about all aspects of forestry.) Zobel, Bruce and John Talbert. Applied Forest Tree Improvement. John Wiley and Sons, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1984. xvii + 505 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-09682-2. $31.95. (A book that describes the genetic and silvicultural principles and practical procedures of tree improvement programs.) Zomlefer, Wendy B. Common Florida Angiosperm Families Part I. Wendy B. Zomlefer, 603-D N.E. 4th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601, 1983. iii + 107 p., illus. $8.50 in Florida, $8.15 elsewhere, paper. (This text, intended for introductory taxonomy courses, includes family descriptions, detailed illustrations of local taxa, pertinent literature citations, and notes on Florida representatives for 34 families and contains a glossary and outline classification.) BOOK REVIEWSchuster, Rudolf M. 1984. New Manual of Bryology. 1271 pp. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Nichinan, Japan. Vol. 1. $50.00, Vol. 2. $54.00. Sales representative in America: John Johnson, Natural History Books, R.D.2, No. Bennington, VT 05257. The first comprehensive manual of bryology since that edited by Frans Verdoorn in 1932 has appeared in 2 volumes. Volume 1 contains a Preface followed by 10 chapters: 1. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Bryophytes, S. Huneck; 2. Cytology of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae, M. Newton; 3. Cytology of Moses, H. Ramsey; 4. Genetics of Bryophyta, D. J. Cove; 5. Gametogenesis, S. D. Duckett, Z. B. Carothers and C. C. J. Miller; 6. Develop-mental Physiology of Bryophytes, M. Bopp; 7. The Spore, G. Mogensen; 8. Spore Germination, Protonema Development and Sporeling Development, K. Nehira; 9. Reproductive Biology, R. E. Longton and R. M. Schuster; 10. Phytogeography of the Bryophyta, R. M. Schuster. Volume 2 continues with 11 chapters; 11. The Morphology and Anatomy of the Moss Gametophore, W. B. Schofield and C. Hebant; 12. Homologies and Inter-relationships of Moss Peristomes, S. Edwards; 13. Classification of the Bryopsida, D. H. Vitt; 14. Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of the Hepaticae, R. M. Schuster; 15. Evolution, Phylogeny and Classification of the Anthocerotae, R. M. Schuster; 17. Musci, Hepatics and Anthocerotes - an Essay on Analogues, B. Crandall-Stolter; 18. Species Problems and Taxonomic Methods in Bryophytes, J. Szweykowski; 19. Paleozoic and Mesozoic Fossils, V. A. Krassilov and R. M. Schuster; 20. Tertiary and Quaternary Fossils, N. G. Miller; 21. The Ecology of Tropical Forest Bryophytes, P. W. Richards; followed by an index. All chapters are not equally comprehensive or well written, but all are instructive and easily understood. This manual successfully fills the need for concentrated discussions of all phases of bryology. No botanical library could be considered complete without it. A. J. Sharp 31 YOUNG BOTANIST AWARDS - 1984The Botanical Society of America is pleased to announce that the following graduating seniors were judged to be outstanding. They have each been awarded a Certificate of Merit. James A. Drake, Department of Botany, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701 |