Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1985 v31 No 4 Winter
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. Volume 31 No 4 Plant Science Bulletin (ISSN 0032-0919) Emanuel D. Rudolph, Editor Department of Botany Editorial Board The Plant Science Bulletin is published six times a year, February, April, June, August, October and December, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Subscriptions $15.00/yr. Change of address should be sent to Editor. Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH. YOUNG BOTANIST AWARDS - 1985The Botanical Society of America is pleased to announce that the following graduating seniors were judged to be outstanding. They have each been awarded a Certificate of Merit. Patricia L. Bartol, Department of Botany, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701. IVORY TOWER (A Play)A peer into the review system A. Carl Leopold Boyce Characters: Dr. Ray Searcher, Professor; Bonnie Aide, Technician; Dr. Bossman, Department Head; Earnest Learner, Grad Student; Jean Cloner, Grad Student; Joan Olivetti, Secretary; Philo Beans, Colleague; Gnome Spacer, Student. Curtain rises on the Professor's office. His desk, on left, piled high with papers mixed with pencils and recorder tracings. Table on right holds computer and a pile of instruction manuals alongside. Bound copies of journals line the bookshelves over Professor's desk; a pile of reprints overflows from 25 a box on the floor at the foot of his chair. His white lab coat hangs on wall hook to the left of desk. It is morning. Technician enters in white lab coat. Bonnie: Oh, dear, where did Ray put the data sheets from last weeks' experiment? (she shuffles through papers on desk) Ray (entering): Oh, good morning, Bonnie. What do you need? Bonnie: We have to find last weeks' experiment sheets so that we can plan today's experiment. Ray: Oh, right. Let's see. Well, let me look for it. Then I will make up the experimental plan and bring it to you in the lab. (sits down to desk and starts looking through the piles of papers) Bonnie: I'll wait in the lab. (She exits; he works) Telephone: Ring ... ring ... Ray: Ray Searcher ... Yes; oh hello, Bill. Review your manuscript? Yes, sure. Just bring it by. Do you want me to write my comments on the manuscript? ... OK; I'll look for it here. (Knock on door; Department Head enters wearing suit-coat and tie) Dr. Bossman: Hello, Ray. Do you have a minute to talk with me? Ray: Oh, hello, Dr. Bossman. Of course. Come sit down. Dr. Bossman: I wanted to talk with you about the committee reviewing promotion and tenure for Dr. Tall Storey; it would be great assistance to me if you could write an appraisal of the papers he has been publishing. The promotion committee has counted all of his publications, but it doesn't seem to me that they have looked much at the contents. Would you review them for me? It is so important to have solid bases for promotion decisions. Ray: Why, of course. How soon do you need that? Dr. Bossman: Well, it isn't terribly pressing; would next week be possible? Ray: Yes, I guess so. Would your secretary give me Storey's bibliography? Dr. Bossman: Yes, of course. And many thanks, Ray. I will be most interested in what you will have to say after you have reviewed his papers. (he exits) Bonnie (looking in): Any progress on that experiment plan? Oh, and I should remind you that your class starts in ten minutes. Ray: Oh my God. Of course. (Gathers up sheaves of papers from one side of a pile on desk) I'll have that plan for you as soon as class is over. (He exits; the first silence of this scene). (Enter graduate students Ernest Learner and Jean Cloner, carrying reprints.) Earnest: Jean, where is the second disc for Pascal programs? (Turns on computer and starts feeding in some programming) Computer: Beep beep. Dupe ding dit. Jean: I haven't seen it for a couple of days. Perhaps the people in the next lab borrowed it. Have you reviewed a paper for Journal Club for today? Earnest: Well, I just zipped through a very short paper; I didn't have a chance to spend much time reading it. Jean: I started reading one on plasmid constructions and a gene mapping effort; I just don't understand it very well. I hope Ray won't notice. (Enter the secretary, Joan Olivetti, carrying a pile of mail) Joan: Ray won't be very pleased with this pile of stuff. There are two papers plus one research proposal to review, and a notice that his proposal to NSF was not funded. Jean: Oh Lord; that's bad news. What will I get paid from, then? It will be months be-fore Ray can revise and resubmit that proposal Joan: The covering letter said that he got excellent reviews, and was accepted on scientific merit, but there wasn't enough money in the program to fund him. Jean: Oh, damn it. Ray (entering): Oh hi, Earnest; hi Jean. Are you ready for Journal Club? Did you find some interesting papers to report on? Students (mumbling in unison): Yeah, I guess so. Ray (brightly): Well, great (Sits down) Let's hear your report first, Earnest. Earnest (opening a reprint): OK. Well this was not a very interesting paper ... Telephone: Ring ... Ring ... Ray: Hello ... Yes, this is Dr. Searcher ... SCIENCE? Oh yes, sure ... What is the paper about? ... Well, that is a bit peripheral to my own research area ... Well, ... all right; send it along. My review will have to be brief, but I know that you need these re-views. ... Yes, OK. Goodbye. Earnest: Well this paper was about the changes in phospholipids with ... Telephone: Ring ... Ring ... Ray: Hello ... Oh, hello, Dr. Paneleer Your panel did meet last week? Oh, well how did my proposal make out? ... They didn't like it? ... What would have made it acceptable to them, then? ... If I had included determination of the mechanism of action of each of five hormones? ... Well, that would be a pretty tough order to fill. ... Can I see the reviewers' comments? ... Yes; I will be very interested to see them, and then I will revise and resubmit. When can I send you a revised proposal? ... OK; goodbye. (hangs up) Oh me; that's bad news. And Joan tells me that the NSF just accepted my other proposal but they did not have the funds to support it. (Earnest has returned to running the computer) Computer: Deep deep dooble dit ring. 26 Joan (entering): Oh, Dr. Searcher, did you read the rejection from the NSF panel? I am so sorry. Have you heard from the NIH proposal yet? Ray: Yes; and that was bad news, too. Joan: And I meant to tell you, Ohio State called and said they were considering Perenny L. Weed for increase in rank, and they would like to have you serve as an outside reviewer. Ray: Me? Why me? I have never read any of Weed's papers. Joan: Well, they said to call back in case there was any problem. Bonnie (entering): Dr. Searcher, I have the buffers all made up now and we are ready to start the experiment as soon as you have the experimental plan ready. Ray: Oh thanks, Bonnie. You are wonderful. Philo Beans (entering): Hey, Ray, it looks as though you are busy, but can I interrupt for just a minute? Ray: Yes, Philo, what is it? Philo: You know the Federal Labs now require that before a manuscript is sent to a journal it has to be reviewed by at least two col-leagues. So I can't send it out until ... and I was just wondering if ... Ray: But Philo, isn't that on the amino acid sequences in your cowpea proteinase? I don't really know much about that. Philo: Well, Ray, that really isn't too serious. But I would sure appreciate it if you would look it over and give me a review. Ray: Yes. Put it over on that pile. (indicates which pile) Telephone: Ring ... Ring ... Ray: Just a minute. Hello? ... Oh, yes; McGraw Hill. Right. ... Oh yes; our agreement was that I would send you the draft of my first chapter. Yes. ... Well, I know that you have commitments with your reviewers, that's true; but I am not quite finished with all of the details of it yet and wanted to make some last revisions. ... Yes, I'll send it as soon as I can. Goodbye. Gnome Spacer (peers around door): Dr. Searcher? Ray: Yes; who are you? Gnome: I am Gnome Spacer; remember you are on my graduate committee. I see that you are busy. I wanted to ask if you ... Rya: Are you sure I am on your graduate committee? Gnome: Oh yes; don't you remember -- I came by your office here just two years ago to ask you whether ... Ray: Oh, I see. Well what do you have there? Gnome: It is the literature review for my Ph.D. research. It is about tracing the path of radioactivity from chelidonic acid through the glyoxylic acid pathway. Could you please review it for me? (Earnest now has shifted the computer from Pascal to Pac-Man) Computer: Dit dit dit dit dit dit dong. Dit dit dit dit dong-dong. Telephone: Ring ... Ray: Excuse me. (nervously) Searcher. ... Oh yes, hi, Dr. Beaver. ... OK, sure. That is fine; Teager, then. ... My manuscript didn't make it? ... The reviewers gave it 2.7; well that sounds pretty good ... You say that 2.6 is the cut-off point for acceptance? Oh no. That is terrible. ... That was my average from four reviews? Oh dear. But I thought the journal accepted papers up to something like ... Oh; I see. Well, send it back and let me revise it some, then I will resubmit it to see if I can get better than that 2.6. ... Yes, I understand. OK. I appreciate your kind remarks, Teager, anyhow. OK. Philo: Look, Ray. I'll just leave this manuscript ... Gnome: Dr. Searcher, perhaps I should just leave this paper ... Telephone: Ring ... Bonnie (Looking over the shoulders of Philo and Gnome): Dr. Searcher? Telephone: Ring ... Ring ... Bonnie: Dr. Searcher? DR. SEARCHER? Telephone: Ring ... Ring ... (Curtain slowly descends; Searcher is last seen with pencil in one hand, holding the phone above the pile of papers on his desk; the pile of reprints remains overflowing from the box on the floor; his white lab coat remains hanging on the wall hook. The graduate students are holding reprints on their laps; Gnome and Philo are holding manuscripts out toward him; others looking on except earnest who is playing Pac-Man) Computer: dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit (With permission from ASPP Newsletter 11#4) NOTICES New Orchid Society JournalEffective with the winter issue of 1986, the American Orchid Society will publish a quarterly, reviewed, scientific journal, Lindleyana, designed to advance the study of orchids around the globe, balancing all scientific aspects of Orchidaceae -- systematics, physiology, phytochemistry, cytology, morphology and anatomy, pollination biology and evolution. Original manuscripts are now being solicited for publication next year. In addition to original research, space will be allotted for book reviews, commentary, and announcements. Information for contributors may be requested from: Alec Pridgeon, Editor, American Orchid Society, 6000 South Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33405. The basic subscription rate is $20.00 within the United States and $22.00 outside the U.S., postpaid. Orders should be ad-dressed to: Lindleyana, Book Department, 27 American Orchid Society, 6000 South Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33405, U.S.A. Individuals willing to serve as reviewers are invited to write to Alec Pridgeon. An editorial board has already been established. Volume 1, Number 1 will be devoted to the Proceedings of the March, 1985 symposium at Kew titled "Recent Advances in Orchid Science." A New National Center for the Life SciencesC. Herb Ward, Ph.D., President of the American Institute of Biological Science (AIBS) and Professor of Biology and Environmental Sciences at Rice University, has announced the implementation of a long term facilities development plan for the Institute. Effective April 22, 1985, the Institute's headquarters are located at 730 Eleventh Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20001-4584. With this move, AIBS becomes the prime occupant of an office building, which will be dedicated to a variety of programs in the life sciences. In commenting on the relocation, President Ward noted that "the new facility fulfills a goal set less than a year ago by the Board of Directors to purchase a building in the Washington, DC area to support current operations and provide for future growth. Hesler Visiting Professorships of Floristic BotanyUnder the terms of an endowment from Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Hesler, The Botany Department of the University of Tennessee is able to support a limited number of visiting professors of floristic botany. Stipends will be awarded based on research proposals, and may be used for salary and expenses of floristic, revisionary, or monographic systematic re-search. All applicants must hold faculty (or equivalent) status at a recognized botanical or educational institution. Stipend amounts and residence periods will vary, and concur-rent support from the applicant's institution is strongly encouraged. Preliminary correspondence with specific departmental faculty is invited or general inquiries may be sent to the Hesler Endowment Fund, Department of Botany, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1100. 1985-86 AIBS Congressional Fellow NamedKathryn A. Saterson, Ph.D., has been named the 1985-86 AIBS Congressional Fellow in the Biological Sciences, AIBS President C. Herb Ward, announced today. Saterson is currently an ecological research scientist in the Department of Biology at the University of North Caroina, Chapel Hill. Her recent research has centered on ecosystem and forest ecology with specific attention to natural resource management involving the variation of nitrogen availability in valley pines and hardwoods on the North Carolina piedmont. In addition to her basic research on renewable natural resources, she has conducted several studies on biomass production of herbaceious species for potential use on energy farms through Arthur D. Little Co. She has served as a consultant to the Environmental Protection Agency investigating physiological factors involved in the transport and trans-formation of pesticides and pollutants by plants as related to hazardous wastes management. Garden Club of America Awards in Tropical BotanyThe Garden Club of America is offering two $5000 awards to assist with field work in the area of tropical botany. These awards will be made on a competitive basis to graduate students who will be carrying out field work in the tropics as part of their doctoral dissertation research. The awards will be made on a one-time basis, and applications are due by December 31, 1985. The winners will be announced by February 1, 1986. Applications should include a curriculum vitae for the student, including graduate and undergraduate transcripts; evidence of a foreign language capability; a two-page outline of the proposed research; and a letter of recommendation from the adviser, which should include an evaluation of the student's progress to date and plans for the future. U.S. citizenship is not a requirement. Added merit would be found in a proposal demonstrating a long term commitment to conservation of tropical forests and intent to work in this area. Applications should be addressed to Garden Club of America Awards in Tropical Botany, World Wildlife Fund-U.S., 1601 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009, attention Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy. More Department NewslettersTwo other newsletters have been noted, one from Illinois recently revived after 25 years, "Alumni/Friends of Plant Biology (Botany)," available from 289 Morrill Hall, University of Illinois, 505 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801; the second from Ohio University, "Department of Botany Newsletter - 1983-1984, and 1985" available from Department of Botany, Ohio University, Porter Hall, Athens, OH 45701-2979. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES(All positions are by affirmative action/ equal opportunity employers) Fellowship in Biotechnology at FrederictonThe Agricultural Canada Research Station in Fredericton has a position for a Visiting Fellowship in Biotechnology. The position is for one year, with the possibility of renew- 28 al, and is open immediately. The incumbent is to work on regeneration studies using the potato plant. Qualifications: a Ph.D. degree with a strong background in Plant Physiology and Histology. A knowledge of Plant Breeding and Genetics is also desirable. Please apply to: Dr. Janet E. A. Seabrook, Agriculture Canada, Research Station, P.O. Box 20280, Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 4Z7. Postdoctoral Fellowship at SaskatoonPostdoctoral position available for an investigation of protein and isoenzyme pat-terns in normal and mutant flower development. Candidate should have a Ph.D. in Botany/Plant Sciences with strong background in Biochemsitry and Plant Development. The position is available immediately for an initial one-year term with a possibility of renewal for second year. Minimum salary - $18,420 (NSERC rate). Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, reprints of publications and at least two letters of re-commendations to: Dr. V. K. Sawhney, Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWO. Postdoctoral Fellowship at RiversideA postdoctoral research position in plant development to study floral organ development using light and electron microscopy, autoradiography, and organ surface growth analyses is available. The objective is to provide a model for floral development by documenting cell division, expansion and differentiation events during organogenesis. A computer graphics facility is available for 3-D reconstructions. Position is in Dr. Elizabeth Lord's laboratory at Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, (714) 787-4441, beginning November 1, 1985, for one year at $21,000: renewal up to three years. Application deadline is September 15. Send resume and two letters of recommendation to: Dr. Elizabeth Lord, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Herbarium Assistant at Ohio StateA research assistant is needed to help coordinate and supervise the daily activities of the Ohio State University Herbarium including public service identifications, processing of research materials, and making specimens available for classroom use. Masters degree in plant systematics is required. The Research assistant will be responsible to the Director and will also interact with the Supervisor and three curators of the Herbarium. Salary $16,080 for 12-month appointment. This position has a two-year maximum limit. Send curriculum vitae and three letters of reference by 1 September 1985 to: Dr. Tod F. Stuessy, Director of the Herbarium, Department of Botany, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. PERSONSPeter Raven - MacArthur FellowPeter Raven, Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, and Professor of Botany at Washington University, St. Louis, has been awarded a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for five years. The Fellows receive a monetary tax-free award to pursue projects of their own choosing. Warren F. Lamboy Receives AwardWarren F. Lamboy has been selected to receive the first New England Botanical Club award in support of botanical research in New England for his proposal "A systematic study of Aster section Biotia." Mr. Lamboy, a Ph.D. candidate working with Dr. Almut G. Jones at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, will use the award to travel to New York and New England to observe the members of this group in the field and to collect material for crossing experiments and electrophoretic and cytological studies, and for statistical analysis. Roy L. Taylor to Direct Chicago Botanic GardenThe Chicago Horticultural Society has appointed Dr. Roy L. Taylor, currently Director of the Botanical Garden at the University of British Columbia, to be President of the Chicago Horticultural Society and Director of the Chicago Botanic Garden. MEETINGS AND COURSESTropical Rainforests SymposiumThe annual symposium of the California Academy of Sciences, co-sponsored by the Pacific Division of AAAS, will be devoted to "Diversity and Conservation of Tropical Rainforests," on September 27 and 28, 1985. Seating is limited so please contact: Rainforest Symposium, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118. Trees for Nebraska ConferenceThe 1986 Trees for Nebraska Conference will be held February 14-16 in Lincoln, Nebraska. All scientists working on any aspect of woody plant research are invited to submit titles for oral presentation of papers. We are especially interesting in topics relating to woody plant food production and recreational uses in association with this year's theme of "Trees and Food and Fun". 29 Please submit your title(s), author's name(s) and address(es), plus a two to three sentence summary of the work by September 1, 1985 to Mr. Dave Mooter, Douglas Co. Ext. Office, 8015 W. Center Road, Omaha, NE 68124. Final drafts of the text of the paper will be due November 2, 1985 and will be published in the Conference Papers of the Trees for Nebraska 1986 Conference. Differentiation SymposiumThe International Organization of plant Biosystematics will hold a Symposium in Zurich, Switzerland, July 13-18, 1986, entitled "Differentiation Patterns in Higher Plants." In addition to invited speakers, poster sessions will be accommodated. Short scientific excursions are also being planned. For information, write to the Chairperson, Dr. Krystyna Urbanska, Geobotanisches Institut, E.T.H., 38 Zu''richbergstrasse, CH-8044 Wrich, Switzerland. The IOPB Newsletter is sent to all members of IOPB. Membership applications may be obtained from the Secretary, Dr. Liv Borgen, Botanical Garden and Museum, Trandheimsveien 23B, Oslo 5 Norway, or to the President, Dr. William F. Grant, Department of Plant Science, P.O. Box 4000, Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 1CO. Contributions to the IOPB Newsletter for an international audience, including requests for material, items of research interest, notices of meetings, etc. may be sent to the Editor, Dr. Krystyna Urbanska, Geobotanische Institut, E.T.H., Zürichbergstrasse 38, CH-8044 Zürich, Switzerland. Congress of EcologyThe IV International Congress of Ecology will be held August 10-16, 1986 at the State University of New York, Syracuse. For further information write: IV International Congress of Ecology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210. Tropical Botany SymposiumA symposium, "Tropical Botany: Practice and Principles" will be held in Utrecht September 28 - October 4, 1986. For further information write: Symposium Tropical Botany Practice and Principles, Secretariat: Institute of Systematic Botany, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands. Systematics Symposium at Field MuseumThe 9th Annual Spring Systematics Symposium in the Field Museum of Natural History on May 9-10, 19086 will be devoted to the topic "The Evolution of Human Hunting." The speakers will consider various aspects of the topic. For further information write to: M. H. Nitecki, Symposium Chairman, Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605, 312/922-9410. Guayule ConferenceThe Fourth International Conference on Guayule Research and Development will be held October 16-19, 1985 at the University of Arizona. For more information write: S. M. Alcorn, Department of Plant Pathology, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, 602/621-1027. Legume ConferenceThe Second International Negume Conference, entitled "Biology of the Leguminosae," will be held June 23-27, 1986 at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. The aim of the multidisciplinary meeting is to discuss recent advances in our understanding of the biology of legumes, gained from both field and experimental research, and covering both pure and applied points of view. Scheduled topics include: life history studies; tree architecture; evolution and biology of inflorescences and pollen; floral organogenesis; physiological ecology; pollen-stimga-style interactions; pollination biology; structure and function of legume fruits and seeds; mycorrhizal relationships; cyanogenesis; evolution of symbiotic genes; biological implications of genome evolution; distribution and ecology of ectomycorrhizal legumes; ant-legume, aphid-legume, and bruchid-legume co-evolution; evolution of genera; biological changes induced by domestication; benefits of germplasm introductions; computerized data bases and biological research; international legume data bases. For further information write to: Dr. James L. Zarucchi, Legume Conference Coordinator, Missouri Botanical Garden. P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166. RECENT BOTANICAL BOOKSAMA Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants. Chicago Review Press, 213 West Institute P1., Chicago, IL 60610. 435 p., illus. ISBN 0-89970-183-3 paper. $18.95 + $2.50 handling. (A guide to harmful affects of important native and cultivated plants of the United States, Canada, northern Mexico and the Caribbean written for physicians and health officials.) Ames, Oakes and Donovan Stewart Correll. Orchids of Guatemala and Belize. Three parts bound as one. Dover Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd St., Mineola, NY 11501, 1985 (re-printed from Fieldiana: Botany, 1952-1965). xvii + 779 p., illus. ISBN 0-486-24834 -8. $14.95 paper. (Originally published by the Chicago Natural History Museum, and long out-of-print, the two parts with supplements here called part three, are conveniently put together in this beautifully illustrated volume covering 527 orchid species of Guatemala and Belize (formerly British Honduras); new is an index to the last part.) 30 Callow, J. A. and H. W. Woolhouse, eds. Advances in Botanical Research, Volume II. Academic Press Inc., Publishers, Orlando, FL 32887, 1985. ix + 205 p., illus. ISBN 0-12-005911-8. $55.00. (This volume has four review papers: M. W. Steer, J. M. Pecton and J. C. Earnshaw's "Laser light scattering in biological research" which particularly considers cellular level uses; N. W. Kerby and J. A. Raven's "Transport and fixation of inorganic carbon by marine algae;" J. S. Rant Reid's "Cell wall storage carbohydrates in seeds - biochemistry of the seed 'gums' and 'hemicelluloses';" and D. J. von Willert's "Welwitschia mirabilis - new aspects in the biology of an old plant" that mostly concerns physiological studies.) Chabot, Brian F. and Harold A. Mooney, eds. Physiological Ecology of North American Plant Communities. Chapman and Hall, available from Methuen, Inc., 29 West 35th St., New York, NY 10001, 1985. xiv + 351 p., illus. ISBN 0-412-23240-5. $39.95. (A book that is a tribute to W. D. Billings, who writes a historical review, contains chapters on the major vegetation types, with more space given to those which have received the most study, arctic, alpine and desert). Dey, P. M. and R. A. Dixon, eds. Biochemistry of Storage Carbohydrates in Green Plants. Academic Press, Inc., Publishers, Orlando, FL 32887, 1985. xiii + 378 p., illus. ISBN 0-12-214680-8. $79.00. (A detailed account for students of the biochemistry of various classes of storage carbohydrates, included also are discussion of materials of less clearly defined storage function such as certain oligosaccharides, glycosides, and cell wall associated polysaccharides, and a chapter on algal polysaccharides.) Oldfield, Margery L. The Value of Conserving Genetic Resources. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Services, available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (G.P.O. Stock No. 024-005-00824-1), 1984. xxii + 360 p., illus. $8.50 paper. (A useful volume that focuses on the socioeconomic values and uses of plants, animals, and microorganisms; with chapters on food plants, medicinal plants, trees, rubber, and oils and waxes. While United States centered, it considers global conservation needs.) Scott, Tom K., ed. Hormonal Regulation of Development II; The Functions of Hormones from the Level of the Cell to the Whole Plant -Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology New Series Vol. 10. Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1984. xv + 309 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-10196-9 (price not given) (While the two other volumes in this series discuss hormones from molecular and environmental perspectives, this work presents an integrated, readable overview of the transport, actions, and interactions of hormones in cells, tissues, organs, and the whole plant.) CALL FOR SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALSUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts 10 - 14 August 1986 Members of the Botanical Society of America are invited to submit symposium proposals for the next Annual Meeting in Amherst, Massachusetts, 10 - 14 August 1986. Complete the form below by 15 August 1985, attach a symposium explanation of about 200 words, a list of tentative speakers and their topics and send to: Thomas N. Taylor, Department of Botany, The Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. All proposals are subject to review by a Section of the Botanical Society of America. It is advised that a copy of the abstract be sent to a Section secretary at the same time the original is sent to the Botanical Society Program Director. APPROXIMATE DEADLINESEarly September: Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance of your abstract. Early November: Preliminary programs with confirmed speakers due. Mid February: Final program copy due. Name(s) Phone Address Symposium title: BSA Section sponsoring symposium |