Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1991 v37 No 1 Spring
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. VOLUME 37, NUMBER 1, SPRING 1991 Table of ContentsFrom the Editor's Desk 2 Committee Reports 4 Announcements 5 In Memoriam 8 Books 9 Editor: Meredith A. Lane, McGregor Herbarium, University of Kansas, 2045 Constant Ave., Lawrence KS 66047-3729 PH: 913/864-4493, FAX: 913/864-5298or-5093, E-Mail.: Editorial Committee for Volume 40 From the Editor's desk:Dear Colleagues: Though I do not believe that a letter from the editor is appropriate for every issue, I am writing this first time to ask for your assistance in making the PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN an active and interactive means of communication within the Society. You will be seeing changes in the format of PSB through the next few issues as I learn to do desktop publishing and as the needs of the content change. If you have suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to communicate with me by one of the means given below. Here are a few ways that you can help: • Send in news of meetings of other societies or about national and international issues in conservation, etc., that might be of interest to members of the BSA
• Write "letters to the editor" or "letters to the membership" on topics of concern — I hope that PSB will be a forum for lively debate • Participate in the activities of the Society and its committees, and report to the membership via PSB • Encourage your institution to place position announcements in the PSB and get them to me in time to be of service to job-seekers. The newsletter is mailed with the February, May, September and December issues of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. In order to make the submission of items for the PSB as easy as possible, I've added all sorts of communications devices to my office: FAX: 913/864-5298 ELECTRONIC MAIL: bitnet : MLANE@UKANVAX intemet: MLANE@ KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU COMPUTERS — send me files saved to almost any kind of disk, from either IBM and compatible machines or from Macintosh: DOS formatted 5.25" single and double density, and 3.5" 1.4Mb (save files as "flat" ASCII – i.e. "save generic" or "save DOS text" from within word-processors); also Macintosh format 3.5" disks of any size (400K, 800K or 1.2Mb). I guarantee the return if any disk sent! And of course, there's always the PHONE: 913/864-4493 Deadlines for submission of materials are: 15 January to go in the February issue, 15 April for the May issue, 15 August for September, and 15 November for December. I look forward to receiving your contributions! PLANT SCIENCE Buu.cju (ISSN 0032-0919) is published four times per year by the Botanical Society of America, Inc., 1735 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210. Second class postage pending at Columbus, OH and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Robert H. Essman, Botanical society of America, 1735 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210. Editorial Board: <left> Judith A. Jernstedt Dept. of Agronomy and Range Science University of California Davis , CA 95616 Rudy Schmid Dept. of Botany University of California Berkeley , CA 94720 W. Hardy Eshbaugh Dept. of Botany Miami University Oxford, OH 45056 2 Message from the President The Society could not function without the time and effort given by the members of the various committees of the Society. It often seems that the membership as a whole does not know about the existence of the committees, or who is currently serving on them. The charges of the committees are listed in the back of the BSA Membership Directory. The chairs and members of the committees for 1990/91, listed below (years given are dates of retirement), would greatly appreciate input from any member of the Society. Anyone who is interested in serving on any committee should contact the President-Elect, Dr. William Culberson, Dept. of Botany, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 [919/ 684-2048]—Beryl B. Simpson, President Annual Meeting: Chair: Carol Baskin (93) Local Representative: Claire McCall Archives & History: Chair: David L. Dilcher (91) Lawrence J. Davenport (93) Committees: Keith Clay (91) Robert Wyatt (91) Diana Stein (92) Bruce Tiffany (92) Patricia Gensel (93) Walter Judd (93) Conservation: Chair: Susan Kephart (91) James B. McGraw (91) Barbara W. Saigo (91) Joe E. Winstead (92) George Yatskievych (93) Corresponding Members: Chair: David L. Dilcher (93) Shirley Tucker (91) W. Hardy Eshbaugh (92) Darbaker Prize: Chair: Keith R. Roberts (91) L. Elliot Shubert (92) Russell L. Chapman (93) Education: Chair: Tom Rost (91) Gordon E. Uno (91) Thomas K. Wilson (91) Terry Hufford (92) Vicki Funk (93) Marshall Sundberg (93) Election: Chair: David L. Dilcher James Hamrick (91) Jean Langenheim (92) David Hammond (93) Ethics (ad hoc): Chair: Brian Boom (91) Margaret Bolick (91) Robert Burgess (91) Katherine Esau Award: Chair: Darlene H. Southwood (91) W. John Hayden (92) Management: Chair: Peter K. Bretting (93) Beryl B. Simpson P. Barry Tomlinson (91) Jonathan F. Wendel (92) Peter R. Crane (94) Membership and Appraisal: Chair: Judith A. Jernstedt (91) Maude A. W. Hinchee (91) Marilyn H. W. Barker (92) David J. McLaughlin (93) Merit Awards: Chair: Arthur W. Galston (91) Charles B. Heiser (92) Barbara D. Webster (93) Pelton Award: Chair: Scott D. Russell (91) Karl Niklas (93) Plant Science Bulletin Editorial: Editor: Meredith A. Lane (93) David L. Dilcher (92) Rudolph Schmid (92) Judith A. Jernstedt (93) Stebbins Lecture (ad hoc): William Culberson Ken Chambers Representatives to other organizations: AAAS Council: Bernard O. Phinney (93) AAAS Professional Group: Brian Boom AIBS Council: Laurence Skog (93) AIBS Government Relations: James L. Reveal (91) Biological Stain Commission: James Mauseth Council of Scientific Society Presidents: David L. Dilcher (91) National Research Council Commission on Life Sciences Board of Basic Biology: Gregory Anderson 3 <left> Membership and AppraisalBotanical Society of America memorabilia (T-shirts, totebags, coffee mugs and lapel pins with the BSA logo) are available in exchange for contributions to the BSA Endowment Fund. Coffee mugs (11 oz.), dark green with white design, are $7, two-color cloisonnē lapel pins (1"x3/4") are $6, and 100% cotton canvas totebags (13"x13"x4") are $10. T-shirts are available in adult sizes (S, M, L, XL; write to ask about XXL; 100% cotton; $11), as well as children's (6-9, 10-12, 14-16; 50/50 cottonpolyester; $9). Children's sizes and adult small are cream-colored with a green design. Other sizes are jade green with white logo. All prices include $2 for postage and handling. Please specify item and size and make checks payable to BSA Endowment Fund. Mail to: Judy Jernstedt, Dept. of Agronomy, Univ. of California at Davis, Davis, CA 95616. <left> Education:For four of the past five years, 0.0% of incoming college freshmen have stated that Botany was their intended choice of major (Chronicle of Higher Education). This is not surprising to those who have been teaching introductory botany courses or who have watched the number of botany majors decline recently. The BSA Education Committee has proposed several ideas to help generate interest in botany at the pre-collegiate level which, we hope, will translate to a greater interest in the plant sciences by college students and a greater awareness by the general public of the importance of plants and botanical studies. First, we would like more BSA members to establish contacts with pre-college teachers in their region and to provide them with inquiry-oriented, interesting laboratories and demonstrations that use plants. A perfect setting for such contacts is at state, regional, and national teachers' conventions such as those affiliated with the national Association of Biology Teachers (NABT), and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). As a representative of the BSA, I presented a one-hour workshop on "Plants in the Classroom" at the NABT convention in Houston in November. Forty instructors attended. There was much interest in using plants more frequently in the biology classroom; however, instructors just didn't know which plants to use, what were good demonstrations and labs, or what were ways to incorporate more botany in their courses. I provided each instructor with a set of handouts on: collecting and preserving plants (including how to "xerox" plants to make a sight-identification key); a student guide on how to choose and develop an independent research project; a guide to common algae; and an introduction to ecological studies. Response to all of these activities was good. Teachers want ideas for effective, easy-to-use, hands-on activities. I have volunteered to collect materials from BSA members that are appropriate for or could be adapted to the high school level. The intention is to duplicate and distribute selected information to biology teachers at workshops such as the one in Houston. I will work with other members of the Education Committee to bring some uniformity of style to the exercises and to check the appropriateness of the level of each activity. It is hoped that these packets can be provided to any BSA member who would be willing to present a workshop, and to each instructor who attends. Michael Cousens had volunteered to do the same at the elementary level, but his untimely and tragic death has left our committee with the task of finding someone to serve as liaison between BSA members and elementary school instructors. If you would like to volunteer for this, please let me know. Send me any botanically-oriented laboratory exercises, demonstrations, and handy tips or guides that you would like to share with pre-college instructors at any level. Although there is no intention of selling the collected activities, please make sure that there are no copyright problems. What's interesting, what works, and what can get kids excited about biology and botany? Send materials and suggestions to: Gordon E. Uno, Botany-Microbiology Department, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019. 4 AnnouncementsPositions AvailableEcology/Botany at Gettysburg College: The Department of Biology at Gettysburg College invites applications for a one-year sabbatical replacement beginning Fall, 1991. Candidates must have an earned doctorate by September, 1991. The successful candidate will teach ecology, a botany course in his/her specialty and participate in the introductory biology program. Gettysburg College is a highly selective liberal arts college located one and one-half hours north of the Washington/Baltimore area. Gettysburg College is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Submit description of teaching interests, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference (with recommender's phone numbers) to Biology Search Committee, Department of Biology, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 17325. Review of completed applications will begin March 1, 1991, and continue until the position is filled. Physiological Ecology at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Our Global Change Program has an immediate opening for a scientist to participate in an integrated, multi-institutional program investigating the interaction between rising atmospheric CO2 and terrestrial ecosystems. Experience measuring photosynthesis and respiration in the field, and an interest in the molecular mechanisms by which plants might adapt to long-term changes in CO2 availability are requisites. Participation in the Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) field experiment is expected. You'll contribute to the development of a global terrestrial carbon flux experiment centered on FACE experiments in several biomes of the world. Brookhaven's Global Change Program has developed from long-standing programs in oceanography, atmospheric chemistry, applied mathematics, and plant effects research. We've led in the development of complex equipment to execute ecological field experiments at sea, in the air and on land. The BNL FACE experiment has become a magnet for plant researchers from many institutions. The appointment will be made at a level commensurate with experience; postdoctoral appointment possible for new PhD's. Please submit resume, list of publications and the names of at least three references to: Dr. George R. Hendrey, Head, Biosystems and Process Sciences Division, Department of Applied Science, Building 318. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associated Universities, Inc., Upton Long Island, NY 11973. EOE. Awards and Grants1991 Young Botanist Recognition Award nominations should be sent to Dr. Gregory Anderson, Secretary of the Botanical Society of America, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 75 North Eagleville Rd., The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3043 by 1 April 1991. Nominations should document the student's qualifications for the award and be accompanied by one or more letters of recommendation. Erratum: The home university of Peter Morrell, one of the 1990 Young Botanists, is the University of Oklahoma (James R. Estes, nominator), rather than Oklahoma State University as listed in PSB 36(3). 5 Fulbright Scholars: The Fulbright Program for 1992-93 includes 1,000 grants for openings in over 100 countries (multicountry research is also possible). The activities pursued by the awardee may be research, teaching or a combination in virtually any discipline or subfield, particularly humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, the arts, and applied fields. Scholars in all academic ranks, including former awardees, are eligible; the basic requirements are US citizenship and a Ph.D. (or comparable degree). Language skills are needed for some countries, but most lecturing assignments are in English. There are early deadlines: June 15 for Australasia, South Asia, most of Latin America and the USSR; August 1 for Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Canada and lecturing awards in the Caribbean, Mexico and Venezuela. Application materials are available beginning March 1, from Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden Street, N.W., Suite 5M, Box NEWS, Washington, DC 20008-3009 (202/686-7877). Advanced Research Fellowships in India: The Indo-U.S. Subcommission on Education and Culture is offering twelve long-term (6-10 months) and nine short-term (2-3 months) awards for 1992-93 research, in India, in any academic discipline except clinical medicine. The program seeks to foster better communication and a wider range of research activity between the US and India. Persons with limited or no prior experience in India are especially encouraged to apply for these awards, which are funded by the USIA, NSF, the Smithsonian Institution and the government of India. Application deadline is June 15; information is available from Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden Street, N.W., Suite 5M, Washington, DC 20008-3009 (202/686-4017). Meetings and CongressesFirst International Crop Science Congress: Sponsored by the Crop Science Society of America and Iowa State University, the First International Crop Science Congress will be held 14-22 July 1992 on the ISU campus. The purpose of the Congress is to bring together knowledge and information pertinent to crop scientists from all regions of the world, to emphasize integration of knowledge from crop science to solving problems peculiar to global and regional issues, and to focus on global research needs. Emphasis is being placed on participation by crop scientists from developing countries and International Agricultural Research Centers. Interested parties should contact: Dr. Richard M. Shibles, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (515/ 294-7232) or FAX 515/294-3163. International Society for Horticultural Science Second International Symposium: "In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding" 28 June-2July 1992 at the Lord Baltimore Hotel at the Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD. For more information contact: Dr. Freddi Hammerschlag, USDA/ARS-PMBL, B-006, Rm 118 BARC-W, Beltsville, MD 20705 FAX 301/344-3320. San Diego Topiary Conference: "Animals in the Garden," 23-27 May 1991, sponsored by the American Ivy Society and the San Diego Zoological Association in celebration of the zoo's 75th anniversary. The conference will feature two days of lectures and workshops and a five-day exhibition of the best topiary from around the country. For more information, contact the San Diego Zoological Association, P. O. Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551. 6 Agencies and ActivitiesThe Committee for the National Institutes for the Environment has opened a Washington office to spearhead efforts to establish a National Institutes for the Environment [BioScience 40(8):567]. The NIE proposal is an effort to greatly expand environmental research and education to drive environmental policy through a new funding agency. Of the $9 billion in federal extramural support for science, 11% goes to environmental sciences (broadly defined). This amount could be increased and the results of this research made more applicable to solving environmental problems through an interdisciplinary agency, analogous to the National Institutes of Health. The present proposal is to set up a series of problem-oriented institutes that would support competitively-awarded mission-oriented environmental research. Legislation to have the National Academy of Sciences study the NIE concept is presently moving through Congress. The plan for the ME is still in an early conceptual stage. Environmental scientists who are interested in having input into the process should contact Dr. David E. Blockstein, Director of the Washington office of the NIE Committee. The office is housed at the American Institutes for Biological Sciences building, 730 11th St. NW, Washington DC 20001-4521(202/ 628-4303); FAX 202/6284311. Summer opportunities for field courses in 1991 offered at biological field stations are summarized in a poster prepared by the Organization of Biological Field Stations. Most offerings are intended for undergraduate and graduate students in biology. For a copy, contact Dr. Richard W. Coles, Secretary OBFS, Washing-ton University Tyson Research Center, P. O. Box 351, Eureka, MO 63025. Institute of Forest Genetics Center for the Conservation of Genetic Diversity (CCGD) has been established by the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (USDA Forest Service) as part of its program to study and conserve biodiversity in forest plants and wildlife. Scientists of the CCGD will conduct research on adaptation and evolutionary biology as they contribute to the survival of species and prevent extinction. The Center will con-serve biodiversity by helping federal agencies establish research natural areas and genetic resource management units and by protecting samples of genetic diversity in seed banks and plantations or arboreta. In addition, the CCGD will provide training in conservation biology through workshops and symposia, short courses, internships and sabbatical opportunities for visiting scholars. Additional information may be obtained by calling Linda Hecker at 415/486-3442. 'Assistance with research project needed: 7 In MemoriamEthel C. BelkDr. Ethel C. Belk died Friday, 19 January 1990 after a long illness. She was born at Henry, South Dakota, in 1903; she obtained a B.A. in 1923 and an M.S. in 1928 from South Dakota State College. She earned her Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1939, after studying plant morphology with Arthur J. Eames. Dr. Belk was promoted to Full Professor on the faculty of Miami University in 1964, and retired in 1968, after having been associated with that institution since 1929. In 1986, she was recognized by the Ohio State Senate for her outstanding contribution in the training of botanists (* = member of BSA), including: Vernon I. Cheadle* (1932), Andrew G. Lang (1932), Cyril J. Comm (1936), Elso Baghoorn* (1937), Charles Heimsch (1936), Lewis F. Roth (1936), George A. Gries (1938), Richard A. Howard (1938), James E. Gunkel (1938), Everett Beneke (1940), Ernest R. Sohns (1940), James E. Canright* (1942), Donald A. Haas (1942), Urban L. Diener (1943), Robert Burton (1947), John P. Mahlstede (1947), Ira W. Deep (1950), James D. Panzer (1951), Kenneth A. Wilson (1951), Jerry T. Walker* (1952), John E. Ebinger* (1955), Walter Hewitson* (1956), C. John Burk* (1957), Jerold W. Bushong (1957), Martin C. Mathes* (1957), Karl R. Mattox* (1958), Henry O. Whittier (1959), Athey G. Gillaspie (1960), Calvin A. Smith* (1960), Thomas N. Taylor* (1960), Terry R. Webster (1960), Edward s. Ayensu (1961), Edward E. Tschabold (1962), James A. McArthur (1963), Arthur F. Olah (1963), Fred Rickson* (1963), John M. Bymet* (1964), William R. Landis (1964), Edward B. Blazey (1965), Robert A. Burdsall (1965), D. Robert Deal (1965), Peter R. Edmonds (1965), Jerry Ivins (1965), William L. MacDonald (1965), Kenneth B. Wiegand (1965), Robert E. Ballard* (1965), Thomas W. Hart (1966), Stuart M. Mertz (1966), Eric H. Smith (1966), Lynn E. Murry* (1967), Donald H. Pfister (1967), Brian J. Armitage (1969), Jerry R. Cain (1969), and Arthur C. Gibson* (1969). This rather impressive list demonstrates the contribution one individual can make to our field through excellence in teaching.— Hardy Eshbaugh, Dept. of Botany, Miami University, Miami, OH 45056. Louis Otho WilliamsDr. Louis O. Williams, former Chairman of the Department of Botany of the Field Museum, died following a heart attack on 6 January 1991, at age 82. He was born in Jackson, Wyoming, and received his early botanical training under Aven Nelson at the University of Wyoming. His doctorate from Washington University and the Missouri Botanical Garden was earned under the direction of Dr. Greenman. This was followed by seven years as research assistant at the Ames Orchid Herbarium of Harvard University. While there he edited the American Orchid Society Bulletin. His improvement of that publication helped increase the society's membership from two hundred to three thousand. The war years (1942-1945) had Louis working with a rubber procurement project in Brazil. He returned to Harvard, but soon moved to the Escuela Agricola Panamericana in Honduras. There Louis helped build a large herbarium, developed an important regional natural history library, initiated the journal Ceiba, taught, and served as subdirector for several years. After working for the Plant Industry station of the USDA in Beltsville, Louis Williams joined the staff of the Field Museum in 1960, becoming head of the department in 1964. He revived the floristic programs, developed grant support and rebuilt the department. Louis Williams' administrative abilities, combined with his and Terua's warm hospitality made for a productive and friendly working environment. Continuing his research for two years beyond his retirement, Louis completed of the Flora of Guatemala. Terua Williams authored the index and final volume of that work. During his career, Louis Williams published about 300 scientific articles, dealing mostly with orchids, American floristics and useful plants. His collections numbered more than 43,000, largely from the Rocky Mountains and Central America. His private herbarium and library became part of the Marie Selby Botanical Garden. Louis and Terua, married for more than 50 years, had been happily retired in the wooded Ozark hills of northwestern Arkansas. His death ends a significant chapter in the history of Central American botany.—W. Burger, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL 60605. 8 BooksReview:Fire in North American Tallgrass Prairies. Collins, Scott, L. and Linda L. Wallace, eds. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 1990. 175 pp. ISBN 0-8061-2281-1. $14.95 (paper).—This book describes the state of our knowledge about fire in the eastern Great Plains. The editors and most of the authors live in the grasslands of Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa, so that the knowledge is both professional and personal. The papers encompass fire studies at population, species, community and ecosystem levels. Observational, experimental, and simulated data all are given respectful treatment as are both plants and animals. An historic perspective is provided by S .L. Collins' introduction and R.C. Anderson's review of the historic role of fire. Using Andropogon gerardii, big bluestem, as an example, T.J. Svejcar discusses vegetative reproduction, biomass production, and water relations in the Tallgrass Prairie. When the information in Svejcar's chapter is combined with that of D.C. Glenn-Lewin and collaborators' work on both sexual and vegetative reproduction, and with D.W. Kaufman and co-workers' chapter on small mammals in the Tallgrass Prairie, a challenging pattern of plant demography starts to appear. S.C. Collin's and D.J. Gibson's views of community structure are effectively presented. Doubtless, the data from these chapters have been invaluable in the simulations of annual burning of the Tallgrass put forth by D.S. Ojima and his coworkers. The editors wisely devoted a chapter to underground processes, the "black box" of fire ecology. This chapter was contributed by T.R. Seastedt and R.A. Ramundo. The eminent grassland ecologist, P.G. Risser described North American grasslands from the viewpoint of landscape ecology. His contribution, as well as that of L.L. Wallace, points out what is important for us to study next. I recommend this carefully edited and very reasonably priced book to all students of grasslands and of fire ecology. Jane H. Bock, Department of Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology. University of Colorado, Boulder. Received:Agriculture and Horticulture: Ecology and Conservation: 9 The Human Impact on the Natural Environment. Goudie, A. 3rd Ed. The MIT Press, 55 Haward St., Cambridge MA 02142, 1990. xi + 388 p. ISBN 0-262-07126-6. Price: $35.00; ISBN 0-262-57078-5. Price: $17.50. Economic and Ethnobotany: Floristics and Systematics: Physiology: 10 Your contribution needed ! Do you have news of BSA section activities? Abstracts for the 1991 meeting in San Antonio are due by 1 March 11 |