Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1995 v41 No 2 Summer
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. VOLUME 41, NUMBER 2, SUMMER 1995 Table of ContentsNews from the Society, the Sections and the Committees Volume 41, Number 2: Summer 1995 ISSN 0032-0919 Editor: Joe Leverich PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN <left> News from the Society, the Sections and the Committees A NEW BSA TRADITION: In 1993, Greg Anderson proposed that each year the BSA Past-President organize a symposium, and the BSA Council approved his idea. The first Past-President's symposium will be held on Wednesday, 9 August 1995, at the BSA Annual Meeting with AIBS in San Diego. The symposium was organized by Grady L. Webster, the current BSA Past-President. The title of the symposium is "Vegetation and Floristics of the United States-Mexican Boundary Region." Obviously, Grady has chosen a very appropriate symposium topic for our San Diego meeting site, and the event will be a rare opportunity for all botanists to learn more about this part of the world. The symposium speakers and their titles are listed below. — Carol C. Baskin, Program Director 8:00 GRADY L. WEBSTER. Introduction: The biogeography and political ecology of the Frontera region. 8:40 THOMAS R. VAN DEVENDER. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ. Evolution and historical biogeography of the Chihuahaun and Sonoran Deserts, United States andMexico. 9:20 CONRAD J. BAHRE. University of California, Davis.Anthropogenic vegetation change along the United States/Mexico boundary. 10:20 R. MITCHEL BEAUCHAMP* and JOSE DELGADILLO-R*. Asesorfa Biolōgica y Ambiental, National City, CA and Universidad de Baja California, Ensenada, B.C.N., Mexico. Range limitations of the flora of the western Frontera. I 1:00 ILEANA ESPEJEL*, PATRICIA MORENO-CASASOLA*, and MICHAEL BARBOUR*. Universidad Autōnoma de Baja California, Ensenada, B.C.N., Mexico: Instituto de Ecologia, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico; and University of California, Davis. Coastal strand vegetation: Diversity and conservation. 1:00 LAURA ARRIAGA. Centro de Investigaciones Biolōgicas de Baja California, La Paz, B.C.N. Mexico. The tropical dry forest of the Cape Region: An ecological approach for its conservation. 1:40 RICH SPELLENBERG. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Systematic studies in oak woodlands of the border region in southwest North America. 2:20 GARY P. NABHAN* and STEPHEN BUCHMANN. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ. Disrupted plant/pollinator relationships in U.S./Mexico border states: Effects of chemically-induced habitat fragmentation. 3:20 SCOTT C. McMILLAN. San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. The vernal pools of southern California and northern Baja California, Mexico. 4:00 RICHARD FELGER* and EDWARD GLENN. Drylands Institute, Tucson, AZ and University of Arizona, Tucson. Flora of the Colorado River delta of the Gulf of California: The past, present, and potential for salvage and restoration. 4:40 GRADY L. WEBSTER. University of California, Davis. Afterward: The future of the biota of the Frontera. PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN ISSN 0032-0919 Kim Hiser, Business Manager Phone/Fax: 614/292-3519 email: KHISER@MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU 26 BSA Symposia for the 1995 AIBS Meeting Insights from Recent Studies of Early Succession Conservation Biology: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice Population Biology of Grasses Genetic Engineering and the Conservation of Rare Plant Species Morphological and Developmental Mutants of Maize Medicinal Plants: The Importance and Impact of the Search for Plant Derived Drugs Biology and Evolution of the Gnetales Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Incorporating Fossils in Analyses of Modern Taxonomic Groups Translating Phylogenetic Analyses into Classifications Essential Botanical Knowledge at the College and University Level Multimedia in Botany and Biology Classrooms: How to Pay for It and How to Build It into Courses Alternatives to the Traditional Lecture Format in Undergraduate Biology Courses Forensic Botany : Plant Sciences in the Courts Deadlines for AIBS Meeting in San Diego August 6-10, 1995 At the AIBS meeting this August in San Di-ego the Botanical Society will meet along with a number of other societies. In addition to the full agenda of the BSA Annual Meeting, there are a number of work-shops, field trips, social events, and sightseeing excursions scheduled. Students wishing to reduce the cost of attending this meeting can apply to work as an audio-visual projectionist or registration clerkl"go-fer" and receive a registration fee refund for 12 hours service. Several deadlines remain for the upcoming meeting this August in San Diego: 30 June Workshop form due. Field trip form due. Social event form due. Campus housing reservation due. Projectionist/clerklgo-fer forms due. 14 July Preregistration ends (after this date, register on-site) 28 July Registration, workshop, field trip, social event cancellations due in writing at AIBS. No refunds after this date. For registration information, contact AIBS, 730 11th Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20001-4521 Members Sought for Botanical Society Committee Vacancies Several BSA committees will have vacancies for the 1995-1996 year. Anyone who would be interested in serving on any of these committees, please contact Barbara Schaal, Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 (e-mail: by July 15. This is a great opportunity to become involved with the Society. Archives and History Committee Conservation Committee Darbaker Prize Committee Education Committee Election Committee Esau Award Committee Membership and Appraisal Committee Merit Awards Committee Mosely Award Committee Descriptions of these committees can be found under Article X of the By-Laws in the current Membership Directory and Handbook. — Barbara Schaal PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN Editorial Committee for Volume 41 Donald S. Galitz (1995) Robert E. Wyatt (1996) James D. Mauseth (1997) Dept. of Botany Dept. of Botany Dept. of Botany North Dakota State University University of Georgia University of Texas Fargo NC 58103 Athens GA 30602 Austin TX 78713 Allison A. Snow (1998) Nickolas M. Waser (1999) Dept. of Plant Biology Dept. of Biology Ohio State University University of California Columbus OH 43210 Riverside CA 92521 27
Commentary<left> </left> From the Editor ... As you may have realized from the most re-cent (and somewhat late) issue of Plant Science Bulletin, there has been a change of editors. In April, Meredith Lane gave me the PSB files and a collection of new but not-yet-reviewed botanical books. With this issue, PSB is back on schedule and beginning to look ahead. I wish take this moment to greet the Readers of this bulletin, and to invite all of you to utilize and contribute to the Plant Science Bulletin. My initiation into Botany began when Harold Bold was willing to risk letting me pursue graduate studies in the Department of Botany at the University of Texas although I had no prior training in botany at all. Later I learned that not all botanists work in daily contact with dozens of other plant scientists. For the last decade and a half, I have been in a small Biology Department where there have been only two or three "plant persons." For many students of botany, publications like Plant Science Bulletin provide an important link, at a personal level, to our botanical colleagues and the broader world of plant science. The by-laws of the Society state that "The Plant Science Bulletin is published regularly to communicate news of Society activities, is a medium of publication for any committee, and includes other items of interest to the membership that are not published by the Journal." This leaves considerable room for PSB to explore ways to serve the membership. Please don't hesitate to submit announcements of any sort. If you have suggestions for articles that will be of interest to the membership, let me know and we'll see if we can find a source. If you have ideas of ways that PSB can better serve the Botanical Society, send them to us. Electronic communication has revolutionized the way we correspond. Our e-mail address is on the front of this issue; this is the fastest and least formal way to reach PSB. As we approach the annual meeting in San Diego this summer, we hope to put together a strategy to fully develop the role and content of PSB in the months ahead. Please share any specific interests you have with the Editor or with any member of the Editorial Committee listed on p. 27. This Bulletin is, after all, for you, the readers. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to help put the Plant Science Bulletin together, and I look forward to meeting you in San Diego this August. — Ed. Articles NWF EncouragesCampuses to Preserve Native Habitats The National Wildlife Federation has launched a Campus Native Habitat Program to promote creation of habitat for indigenous plant and animal species on college campuses nationwide. The Program combines the efforts of NWF's two campus outreach programs — the Endangered Species Program, which encourages students to work for a strengthened Endangered Species Act, and the Campus Ecology (formerly Cool It!) Program, which helps colleges start sustain-able environmental projects — with NWF's Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program. "This is a way for students who have written to Congress in support of the Endangered species Act to help protect declining species in their own backyards," says Lisa Yee, endangered species campus coordinator at NWF's Great Lakes office in Ann Arbor, Michigan. To help campus groups, administrators, faculty and staff develop habitats for native species, NWF has produced a resource packet consisting of four sections. These sections include: background articles related to creating habitat for indigenous species; detailed case studies of successful native habitat efforts on campuses across the country; a list of contacts and re-sources such as local botanical gardens and arboreta, native seed nurseries, Native Plant Societies and plant materials specialists for campuses to consult on their projects; and a general how-to guideline for students to initiate similar projects on their campuses. The re-source packet also includes an application to certify a habitat. A beautiful certificate recognizing efforts to provide habitat for local species will be sent to qualified projects, as well as a sample press release for students to promote the project as an environmental and educational benefit to the school. For more details about the Campus Native Habitat Program and how to obtain the information packet, call Lisa Yee at 313/769-6960 or write to her at the Great Lakes Natural Resource Center, 506 E Liberty, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2210. The National Wild-life Federation is the nation's largest citizen conservation education organization of diverse cultures to con-serve wildlife and other natural resources, and to protect the Earth's environment in order to achieve a peaceful, equitable, and sustainable future. <left> 28 Announcements <left> Personalia Ronald L. Stuckey Gives Presidential Address to the Ohio Academy of Science "A Cavalcade of Maps" was the title of the Presidential Address delivered by Ronald L. Stuckey at the 104th Annual Meeting of The Ohio Academy of Science. Held on the Otterbein College Campus in Westerville, Ohio, the meeting was attended by 500 Ohio scientists during the three day event of 28-30 April. President Stuckey's address was presented to 60 members who attended the Saturday evening banquet. Following the lecture, Stuckey passed the gavel to the new President, Charles E. Herdendorf, of Huron, Ohio. During the presentation, Stuckey gave a brief history of the origin and kinds of symbols used on maps to show the distribution of plants. The "cavalcade" then proceeded to view the various base maps of Ohio showing bedrock types, glaciation features, former and present drainage systems, soil types, topography, and relief. Stuckey then showed the distribution of different kinds of plants that he plotted on these various base maps. The examples culminated with maps of the distribution of fens in Ohio, each one correlated with a different base map. The fen plant community harbors a large number of rare plants in special calcareous wet-lands maintained by underground water flow. Where the water comes to the surface, it leaves an alkaline lime deposit making a habitat where only specific species can grow. Stuckey's conclusion emphasized the map-ping of plants using these various base maps as a means of studying Ohio's flora in the 21st century. His presentation used two projectors that showed two illustrations simultaneously, the maps on one screen and photographs of scientists and plants on the second screen. Ronald L. Stuckey is Professor Emeritus of Botany at The Ohio State University where he taught classes for 26 years and now conducts research on plant distribution and the history of botany. Since May of 1994, he served as President of The Ohio Academy of Science. Educational Opportunities Workshop in Plant-Animal Interactions 10-24 August 1995 The National Science Foundation has funded, through its Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Program, a work-shop designed for faculty who teach undergraduate students and who are interested in learning research techniques that they can then incorporate in classes and laboratory exercises at their home institutions. This workshop will use flowers and pollinators to investigate a variety of perspectives on plant-animal interactions. The workshop will be taught 10 - 24 August at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Gothic, Colorado, by Drs. David Inouye, Carol Kearns, James Thomson, and Nick Waser, with assistance from other researchers in pollination biology who work at the Laboratory. All workshop expenses will be paid for participants by the NSF grant. For more information, please contact Dr. David Inouye, Rocky Mtn. Biological Laboratory, P. O. Box 519, Crested Butte, CO 81224. 303-349-5801; e-mail: Women, minorities, and per-sons with disabilities that are not incompatible with field research are encouraged to apply. Positions Available Plant Physiology University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point The Department of Biology invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in plant physiology. Applicants must have training, experience, and a Ph.D. dissertation in plant physiology. Broad training in botany, including plant cell biology, is required, with experience in plant pathology preferred. Demonstrated ability and commitment to undergraduate teaching is required. Responsibilities include undergraduate teaching, student advising. and development of a re-search program in plant physiology. Teaching load is 12 credits per semester divided between freshman biology and upper level plant physiology. Opportunities will exist to develop an upper level specialty course. Applications will be accepted until August 15, 1995. Appointment date is January 10, 1996. To apply, send a letter of interest, statement of teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts to: Dr. S. Jansky, Chair, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481, phone: 715-346-4250. 29 Systematic Botanist California Academy of Sciences The California Academy of Sciences is re-opening its search for an Assistant Curator of Botany. Applications are solicited from individuals with primary interest in and commitment to active, field- and collection-oriented research in vascular plant major herbarium. Candidates must have a Ph.D., an active research program with demonstrated interest and competence in a particular group of vascular plants, and be prepared to participate in a variety of curatorial, administrative, and public educational activities at the Academy. Information about the Academy and its research departments is available on the Academy's gopher server ( or WWWscrver (http:// Applicants should forward a curriculum vitae, description of research goals, copies of significant publications, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Human Resources, No. ACB, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118-4599. Deadline for applications is 15 September 1995. EOE. Postdoctoral Position University of California, Riverside A postdoctoral position is available July 1, 1995 to study the genetic and developmental basis of pea leaf morphogenesis and the roles of the Af and Tl genes. Applicant must have a Ph.D. in plant molecular biology, plant development or genetics. Experience in cloning techniques is desirable. Interested candidates should send a cover letter describing research interests, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Darleen A. DeMason, Department ofBotany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521; telephone (909)787-3580; e-mail The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Symposia, Conferences, Meetings 1995 ASC Annual Meeting 30 June - 2 July 1995 The 1995 Association of Systematics Collections Annual Meeting will be jointly hosted by the University of California, Berkeley, and the California Academy of Sciences on June 30 - July 2. The meeting will feature a workshop on "Natural History Collections on the In-formation Superhighway." Partnerships among systematics collections of various kinds, and state and fed- eral agencies will be the topic of another session. Finally, ASC members and friends will discuss ASC's strategic planning initiative, in light of these partner-ships. For registration and hotel information, contact: ASC, 730 11th Street N.W., Second Floor, Washing-ton, D.C. 20001-4521; 202-347-2850; fax 202-347-0072. NT-27 8-12 July 1995 The 27th International Numerical Taxonomy Conference (NT-27) will be held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Society of Systematic Biologists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the American Society of Naturalists, 8-12 July 1995 at McGill Umiversity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. For additional information about NT-27, contact Francois-Joseph Lapointe (Department de sciences biologiques, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursale Centreville, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3J7, Canada; tel: 514-343-7999, fax: 514-343-2253, e-mail: lapoinf or Richard Jensen (Department of Biology, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN 46556; tel: 219-284-4674; fax: 219-284-4716; e-mail: rjensen For additional information about the SSB/SSE/ASN meetings, contact Evol Secretariat, Conference Office, McGill University, 550 Sherbrooke St. W., West Tower, Suite 490, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1 B9, Canada (tel: 514-398-3770; fax: 514-398-4854; e-mail: Pteridology in Perspective 17-21 July 1995 International symposium to commemorate Prof. R.E. Holttum, pre-eminent pteridologist of the 20th Century. All aspects of pteridology may be covered in relation to both extant and fossil pteridophytes world-wide. The circular, with registration and accommodation booking forms, is available from: Pteridophyte Symposium '95, Miss J.M. Ide, c/o R.J. Johns, The Herbarium, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, UK. email P.EDWARDS@RBGKEW.ORG.L"K or fax +44 81 332 5197. Plant & Fungal Cytoskeleton 23-28 July 1995 The Gordon Research Conference on Plant & Fungal Cytoskeleton will he held July 23-28, 1995. Meeting organizers: Sue Wick, chair, David Drubin, vice-chair. Session topics include: Actin & Actin-Binding Proteins; Motors & Associated Proteins; Organelle Movements in Development; Polarity, Development & Morphogenesis; Cytokinesis; Plant Sexual Reproduction (round-table discussion); Microtubule Organization and Organizing Centers; Cell Wall-Membrane Links to Cytoskeleton; Cell Cycle and Signal Transduction; 30 Send half-page poster abstracts to vice-chair: (Dept. Molec. & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 455 LSA, Berkeley, CA 94720). Some funds will be avail-able to help defray meeting expenses for senior graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty within the first three years of their faculty appointment who plan to present a poster. To apply for funding, contact chair: (Dept. Plant Biol., University of Minnesota, 220 BSC, 1445 Gortner Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108; 612 625-4718 or 612 625-] 738 fax). Application form in February 3, 1995 issue of SCIENCE or from Gordon Research Conferences, PO Box 984, West Kingston, RI 02892-0984. 1995 ABLS Meeting 29 July - 3 August 1995 The 1995 meeting of the American Bryological and Lichenological Society will be held 29 July -3 August at the Palisades Environmental Centre in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. Field trips in the Rocky Mountains will visit alpine and subalpine areas, foot-hills montane zones, interior cedar temperate rain forests, and central ranges, with side trips to the Columbia Ice Field and Miette Hot Springs. Field trip leaders: Dale Vitt and Rene Belland (bryophytes; Bernard Goffinet and Trevor Goward (lichens). The meeting also includes papers, posters, photography workshops, and a symposium "The Application of Modern Molecular Tools to Classic Bryological and Lichenological Questions." Registration US$50 ($35 students). Lodging: From US$52 (at the meeting site, food included) to US$80 in Jasper townsite (food not included). Transportation: Van from Edmonton to Jasper (about 4 hours). For information and registration form, contact Dale H. Vitt, Biological Sciences, CW 405 Bio. Sci. Bldg., University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2E9; Telephone 403/492-3380; FAX 403/492-1899, or Chicita F. Culberson, Dept. of Botany, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0338, USA; FAX 919/ 684-5412; E-mail: Registration deadline: I May 1995. IOPB Sixth International Symposium 29 July - 2 August 1995 "Variation and Evolution in Arctic and Alpine Plants." Correspondence: VI IOPB-Symposium, the Bergius Foundation, P.O. Box 50017, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden; fax -i-46 8 612 9005. Ecological Modeling 6–10 August 1995 The meeting of the North America Chapter of the Inter-national Society for Ecological Modeling will be held 6–10 August 1995 in San Diego, California with the annual meetings of the AIBS. Papers and symposium proposals are invited on all aspects of ecological modeling, systems analysis, and system simulation in ecol- ogy. Deadline for receipt of symposium proposals is 30 January 1995. Deadline for receipt of abstracts for contributed papers is 10 February 1995. Send symposium proposals, abstracts, and requests for further in-formation to: Anthony W. King, Environmental Sciences Division, Bldg. 1000, MS 6335, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335, Phone: (615) 576-3436, email:, Fax: (615) 574-2232 Multimedia in Botany and Biology Classrooms 8 August 1995 Demonstrate Your Uses of Multimedia..The Teaching Section of the Botanical Society of America and the AIBS are co-sponsoring a symposium, "Multi-media in Botany and Biology Classrooms" which will be presented on August 8 at the AIBS meetings in San Diego. The symposium is being organized by Neil Campbell, University of California at Riverside and David Kramer, Ohio State University at Mansfield. The morning session will consist of presented papers on ways multimedia can be built into biology courses and ways you can pay for it! The afternoon session will consist of hands-on demonstrations in the format of a poster session; i.e., using a computer lab at University of California San Di-ego, presenters will be demonstrating their software/ hardware to those who are interested. If you would like to be a presenter in the hands-on session, please contact Dr. Kramer at (419) 755-4344, FAX (419) 755-4367, or by e-mail: Dead-line for abstracts is February 1. Evolution of Terrestrial Plants 4-8 Sep 1995 International Conference of Diversification and Evolution of Terrestrial Plants in Geological Time (ICTPG) will be held in Nanjing, China, organized by Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Academia Sinica and Paleobotanical Society of China, Sept. 4-8, 1995, with paleobotanical excursions Sept. 9-18. The Chairman of the organizing committee is Prof. Xingxue Li. The registration fee before March 1, 1995 is $200 US (students: $100 US), late registration is $250 (students: $150 US). Abstracts should be sent to the secretariat before December 31, 1994, For further information contact: Secretariate of ICTPG or Prof. G. Sun, Dept. of Palaeobotany, Nanjing Institute of Geol. & Paleont., Academia Sinica, Chi-Ming-Ssu, Nanjing, 210008, PR CHINA. Telephone: 86-25-6637208/FAX 86-25-3357026. Chromosome Conference 4-8 September 1995 Information: Dr. M.J. Puertas, Departmento de Genetica, Facultad de Biologia, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain. 31 Rare and Endangered Plant Conference 11-14 September 1995 The Second Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plant Conference will be held 11-14 September, 1995, in Flagstaff, Arizona. Authors with topics concerning rare plants in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah are invited to submit abstracts of papers that they would like to present at this symposium. Topics may include survey and impact assessment, population biology, demographic studies, reproduction, seed biology, distribution, genetics and systematics, monitoring, recovery strategies, and strategies for protection in an ecosystem context. Proceedings will be published. For further information contact Dr. Joyce Maschinski, The Arboretum at Flagstaff, P.O. Box 670, Flagstaff, AZ 86002. Telephone 602/774-1441; email - Rubiaceae Conference 12-14 September 1995 The Second International Rubiaceae Conference is scheduled for September 12-14, 1995 in Meise (Brussels). For further information you may contact Professor E. Robbrecht, Conference secretariat, National Botanic Garden, Domein van Bouchout, B-1860 Meise (Belgium). Telephone: (32 2) 269 39 05; FAX (32 2) 270 15 67. Harnessing Apomixis 25-27 September 1995 College Station Hilton Hotel and Conference Center, College Station, Texas. Invited speakers and contributed posters will cover various genetic, molecular, physiological, cytological, and evolutionary aspects of asexual seed reproduction and its application to crop improvement. Related topics in plant sexual reproduction will also be presented. Some financial support for international attendees will be available. For further information and circulars, please contact Dr. David M. Stelly, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-2474. Phone: (409)-845-2745, fax: (409)-862-4733, E-MAIL: monosom @ ri Engineering Plants 1-4 October 1995 International Symposium on "Engineering Plants for Commercial Products/Applications", University of Kentucky, Lexington KY, USA. Co-organizers: Glenn B. Collins and Robert J. Shepherd. To be added to the conference mailing list, send your name and address to: International Symposium on Engineering Plants, c/o Conferences and Institutes, 218 Peterson Service Building, Lexington KY 40506-00005, USA. Email:, phone: 606/257-3929; FAX: 606/323-1053. Ecological Competitiveness in Migrations 9-12 June 1996 That is the subject of a proposed symposium at the 6th North American Paleontological Convention, June 9-12, 1996, in Washington, D.C. Some aspects of the topic might be: Which plant and animal taxa have undergone long-distance migration and under what conditions? What properties did they possess that allowed them to migrate? How well did they do after they arrived at their destination; in that connection, what has been the durability of the migrants in their new region compared with their post-migration durability in their original region? Do new immigrant taxa become established by competitive replacement or by filling empty niches? Is there any correlation between the success of immigrant taxa and their inherent abilities to evolve? The First Circular of NACP-96 has been distributed; if you didn't get one, write, call, or fax me and I will send you one. The Second Circular will be mailed this Fall, so I will be glad to put you on the mailing list or you can reply directly to the NACP-96 converners using the form in the First Circular. How-ever, I would be pleased to hear from you if you are interested in giving a paper at the symposium described here. I hope to get a good mixture of plant and animal papers, based on material of various ages. It seems that enough is known about long-distance migrations of taxa in the distant past, and the profound effect some of them have had on evolution and changes in flora or fauna after their arrival, so that next year at NACP would be a good place and time to explore these questions. Contact: Norm Frederiksen- U.S. Geological Survey, mail stop 970, Reston, VA 22096; phone 703-648-5277; fax 703-648-5420. Extant and Fossil Charophytes 7-13 July 1996 The 2nd International Symposium on extant and fossil Charophytes (Charales) at Madison, Wisconsin, will cover a wide scope of topics dealing with extant and fossil forms and fossil/extant relationships; a session will be devoted to the evolutionary position and taxonomic status of the Charophyta. For more information, please contact Dr. Linda Graham (Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1381, fax 608-262-7509, e-mail or Dr. Monique Feist (Colloque Charophytes, Laboratoire de Paleobotanique, UM2, 34095 Montpellier cedex 05, France, fax, e-mail <left> 32 <left> Book Reviews In this Issue: Ecological: p. 33 Plant Communities of New Jersey. B.R. Collins and K.H. Anderson (1994) — B. McCarthy Historical: p. 34 One Hundred and One Botanists Duane Isely (1994) — W.L. Stern Physiological: p. 34 Tissue Culture Techniques. B.M. Martin (1994) — G. Cooper-Driver Plant Communities of New Jersey: A Study in Landscape Diversity. Beryl Robichaud Collins and Karl H. Anderson. 1994. ISBN 0-8135-2070-3 (cloth, $45.00); ISBN 0-8135-2071-1 (paper, $17.00). Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901—This is essentially an updated and considerably revised version of the Vegetation of New Jersey, first published in 1973, by Beryl Robichaud and Murray F. Buell. The present version is attractively priced, well illustrated (85 b&w illustrations, 32 tables), and scientifically accurate. The book is written and presented in a fashion that makes it accessible to both non-technical audiences as well as professional botanists. While designed primarily as a reference book, I envision that it might also be useful as a supplementary textbook in New Jersey-based field botany or ecology classes at the under-graduate or graduate level. The book is well indexed, provides a bibliography of helpful texts for plant identification, provides appendices with cross-references between common and scientific names of plants, and overall, and is a marked improvement from the previous version. The Plant Communities of New Jersey is 287 pages in length and consists of fourteen chapters distributed amongst four sections. Each chapter closes with a list of references and source materials. The Introduction is certainly worth a few moments of reflection. It highlights the fact that New Jersey is one of the country's most industrialized, economically advanced, and densely populated states all supported by one of the smallest land masses—yet, it still retains many tracts of natural or minimally disturbed vegetation. Given the level of development and small land mass of the state, many are surprised at the enormous diversity of vegetation types and species present. The authors state that the purpose of the book is to "de-scribe the vegetation of New Jersey in terms of its appearance and plant composition, an equally important goal is to explain why the vegetation is now what it is." Section I (chapter 1) provides a brief over-view of why New Jersey's vegetation is what it is. The authors review the various abiotic and biotic mechanisms that determine plant community structure such as geology, soils, climate, animals, and humans. They also discuss the process of succession and pro-vide a nice set of six illustrated plates depicting succession on the Piedmont of New Jersey. While this is all very familiar material to vegetation ecologists (and will likely be passed over by most botanists), it is an appropriate beginning for non-technical readers. Unfortunately, for the latter audience, this opening chap-ter falls disappointingly short. Considerably more in-formation should have been provided regarding community and ecosystem processes. Section II (chapters 2-5) expands upon much of what was highlighted in chapter 1 and discusses the various influences on the natural vegetation of New Jersey. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the geologic and soil features of the state. This chapter identifies the five physiographic land regions, geologic history of the state, present landforms, and maps detailing the various soil associations. Chapter 3 evaluates the past, present, and future climate of New Jersey with a discussion of temperature and rainfall patterns as well as discussions of the effects of air pollution and global warming on vegetation. Chapter 4 describes the impact of humans and other plants and animals on New Jerseys natural vegetation. The history of human settlement, population growth, and dispersal are de-scribed. The effects of exotic plants, pathogens, and insects are also described. The effects of gypsy moth are evaluated in some detail, yet other biotic agents, such as the white-tailed deer are scarcely mentioned. Chapter 5 closes out this section by integrating the in-formation from the previous chapters, and delineating the types of natural vegetation found in New Jersey. Section III (chapters 6-13) are the foundation of the text and provide detailed descriptions of the eight major plant community types found in the state. Each chapter provides a description of the various vegetation associations within that community type, provides tables listing both the common and scientific names of typical plant species, and often includes a discussion of human influences on that specific habitat type. Chapters 6-7 primarily describe the forest communities of ridgetops, steep slopes, and up- 33 lands. Chapters 8-9 describe the freshwater wetland communities of North and South Jersey. The vegetation is described for freshwater marshes, swamps, floodplains, bogs, and fens. Chapters 10-11 focus on the Coastal Plain vegetation of southern New Jersey. These chapters highlight the vegetation of the inner and outer coastal plain communities, which include the unique vegetation of the Pine Barrens. Chapters 12-13 characterize the vegetation of the coastal communities and provide descriptions of coastal salt marshes, brackish marshes, as well as, dunegrass, beach heather, shrub thicket, and dune woodland vegetation. Section IV (chapter 14) closes the book with a discussion of the possibilities for the future of New Jersey's landscape. It describes the problems of exponential human population growth and the apparently unabated economic growth. The consequences of this in terms of pollution and its effects on biodiversity are presented and discussed, as is the larger context of the potential effects of global threats to New Jersey's landscape. New Jersey is taking important steps in the conservation of its natural resources; however, land planners will have to be ever vigilant if long-term conservation goals are to be met. In the introduction, the authors state that their primary goal was to describe the vegetation of New Jersey and evaluate the factors that have made the vegetation what it is today. Not only did they accomplish this goal, but they did so in a fashion that made the information accessible to a lay audience without sacrificing scientific integrity. The writing style is clear, most illustrations and photographs are of high quality, the tables of typical plant species found in each community type are quite helpful. I recommend Plant Communities of New Jersey for all casual botanists, vegetation scientists, and every New Jersey-an who cares about the environment. - Brian McCarthy, Ohio University, Athens. One Hundred and One Botanists Duane Isely. 1994 ISBN 0-8138-2498-2, i-xiii + 351 pp. (cloth US$32.95). Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300. — Charming, fun to read, informative, titillating, all describe aspects of Isely's efforts to introduce us to the contributions and personalities of a large number of persons whose efforts to advance botany have impelled them into the phytological pantheon. Most of the elected would fall into anyone's select group of botanists — Theophrastus, Linneaus, Lamarck, Hales, Mendel, Robert Brown, Darwin, Engler, Sachs, Agnes Arber, and the Hookers — other who are included would raise eyebrows among some of us — Thomas Andrew Knight, Luco Ghini, Julius Oscar Brefeld, Charles Clemon Deam. But the inclusion of the latter does not detract from the overall fascination of the reading and introduces us to some unsung botanical heroes. Throughout, and whenever possible, Isely tries to assure us that botanists are really people, who have idiosyncrasies, families, children, friends, hobbies, and in many cases a life besides plants. Isely's use of language, i.e., slang, provides a kind of intimacy between author and reader; one cannot help but wonder in another generation what such cute expressions as "spacey, "biggy," goodies," "turned on," and "zilch" will express and whether "an 011ie North-type abduction" will mean anything in the next century. Some repeated errors should have been culled by punctilious editors, e.g., Proteraceae for Proteaceae, Upsala for Uppsala, Smithsonian Institute for Smithsonian Institution, Dodonaeus's Pemtades for Pemptades, Linnaean Society for Linnean Society. Because I intend to assign this book as a required text in my history of botany course, I hope a second printing will eliminate these, other mistakes, and inconsistencies. Anyone, botanist or non-botanist, can read this book for information and for just plain enjoyment. It contains a minimum of technical terms, lots of Isely's personal opinions about his subjects, catchy phraseology, and sparkling good humor. To be sure, other notable botanists could have been included — Barbara McClintock, Leonhard Fuchs, Irving W. Bailey, and Phillip Miller — but then we'd run over one hundred and one. This gem of a book should be on every plant scientist's bookshelf and should be required reading for this generation of students who appear bereft of an appreciation for botany's past successes. — William Louis Stern, Department of Botany, University of Florida Tissue Culture Techniques B.M. Martin. 1994. ISBN 0-8176-3718-4 (cloth US$85.00), ISBN 0-8176-3643-9 (paper US$39.00) 247 pp. Birkhāuser Boston, P.O. Box 19386, Newark, NJ 07195-9386 — Having recently started working with plant tissue culture, I was very excited to review a newly published book on Tissue Culture Techniques, and to see what I was doing right or wrong! The author makes it clear that the purpose of this book is to provide students with a practical guide for culturing cells or, in her own words, "to maintain viable functional cells outside their normal, in vivo environments." The first two chapters provide basic information which applies to the culture of any type of living tissue, plant or animal. This includes a discussion of aseptic techniques, sterilization methods — including such basic information as the difference between liquid and dry sterilization, and quality control methods. The quality control section emphasizes the importance of keeping track of all equipment and continued on p. 35 34 If you would like to review a book or books for PSB, contact the Editor, stating the book of interest and the date by which it would be reviewed (15 February, 15 May, 15 August or 15 November of the appropriate year). Send E-MAIL, call or write as soon as you notice the book of interest in this list, because they go quickly!—Ed. * = book in review or declined for review ** = book reviewed in this issue Ecological Plant Galls: Organisms, Interactions, Populations Williams, M.A.J., ed. 1994 ISBN 0-19-857769-9 (cb) 488 pp. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016 Readings from Conservation Biology: Plant Conservation Ehrenfeld, D., ed. 1995 ISBN 0-86542-450-0 (pb US$24.95) 224 pp. Blackwell Science, Inc., 238 Main St., Cambridge MA 02142 The "El Cielo" Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico: An Annotated Bibliography of the Botanical Literature Perrine, J.D., and D.L. Gorchov. 1994 1994 ISSN 0833-1475 (pb) 48 pp. Sida, Botanical Miscellany, No. 12, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 509 Pecan Street, Fort Worth TX 76102-4060 Economic Botany Biological Control of Weeds and Plant Diseases: Advances in Applied Allelopathy Rice, E.L. 1995 ISBN 0-8061-2698-1 (cb US$55.00) 439 pp. University of Oklahoma Press, 1005 Asp Avenue, Norman OK 73019-0445 Pyrethrum Flowers Casida, J.E., and G.B. Quistad, eds. 1995 ISBN 0-19-508210-9 (cb US$55.00) 356 pp. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016 Genetics Readings from Conservation Biology: Genes, Populations, and Species. Ehrenfeld, D., ed. 1995 ISBN 0-86542-452-7 (pb US$24.95) 224 pp. Blackwell Science, Inc., 238 Main St., Cam-bridge MA 02142 Historical Retracing Major Stephen H. Long's 1820 Expedition Goodman, G.J., and C.A. Lawson. 1995 ISBN 0-8061-2703-1 (cb US$38.50) 347 pp. University of Oklahoma Press, 1005 Asp Avenue, Norman OK 73019-0445 Physiological Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Reduction in Biological and Model Systems Brandēn, C.-I., and G. Schneider, eds. 1994 ISBN 0-19-854782-X (cb US$135.00) 305 pp. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016 Amino Acids and their Derivatives in Higher Plants Wallsgrove, R.M., ed. 1995 ISBN 0-521-45453-0 (cb US$64.95) 280 pp. Cam-bridge University Press, 40 West 20th St., New York, NY 10011-4211 Systematics The Palms of the Amazon Henderson, A. 1995 ISBN 0-19-508311-3 (cb US $95.00) 362 pp. Ox-ford University Press, 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016 The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio. Part 2: Linaceae through Campanulaceae Cooperrider, T.S. 1995 ISBN 0-8142-0628-X (cb US$65.00) 656 pp. Ohio State University Press, 180 Pressey Hall, 1070 Cannock Rd., Columbus OH 432210-1002 *Text Annotations and Identification Notes for Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas Freeman, J.D. 1994 ISSN 0833-1475 (pb) 54 pp. Sida, Botanical Miscellany, No. 11, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 509 Pecan Street, Fort Worth TX 76102-4060 Books Received continued from p. 34 reagents and of maintaining accurate records of when glassware and equipment were sterilized. Each chapter is accompanied by Suggested Readings and Practical Exercises. All advice is clearly given and well illustrated. However I was really disappointed when I reached Chapter 3 and suddenly realized that the remainder of the book — 7 chapters in all — is completely focused on mammalian cells: routine cell culture, experiments in culture, primary cell cultures, cell preservation, cell cloning, and culture changes. The final chapter describes what to do if you need information for new cell studies, how to search the literature and use the information in advertising catalogs, but unfortunately there is no advice on how to use the Internet. Overall, this book is of limited interest to anyone working with plant tissue cultures. What a disappointment! — Gillian Cooper-Driver, Biology Department, Boston University 35 <left> BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA LOGO ITEMS T-shirts (100% cotton), adult sizes (S, M, L, XL) Short sleeves: Grey with small green logo on front, large purple and green logo on back -$13.00 Cloisonnē pin White with kelly green logo and gold border-$6.00 All prices include $2.00 for postage and handling. Kim Hiser, Business Manager |