Ranunculus acris L. - Side-view of a young floral bud showing three
flat sepal primordial and several roundish stamen primordia on the dome-shaped
floral apex.
Hibbertia scandens (Willd.) Dryand – Top view of a young floral
bud from which the sepal primodia have been removed to show five petal primodia
and the first signs of androecial inception at the periphery of the flat floral
Hibbertia scandens (Willd.) Dryand– Top view of a young floral
bud from which all sepal primordial and all except one petal primordia have
been removed to show many stamen primordia and five carpel primordia in the
center, two of which are still barely noticeable.
Hibbertia scandens (Willd.) Dryand– Top view of a floral bud
from which all sepal and petal primordial have been removed to show many stamen
primordia and carpel primodia that have become folded.
Potamogeton densus L. – Side-view of a young inflorescence showing
one very young floral bud in top view. On the floral bud the primordia of four
tepals have been initiated. Stamen inception is barely noticeable in the lower
half of the bud.
Potamogeton densus L. – Top view of a young floral bud at the
tip of the inflorescence. Four stamen primordia have been initiated opposite
the four tepal primordia. Each of the lateral stamens arises as two separate
primordia that become confluent later on.